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I hear voices at the door and in come my two younger brothers, Alex and Mick. "What are you two doing here? Weren't you at a boarding school?" I ask panicking on how they got here without adult supervision. Raven calm down, you sound like your having a panic attack. Natalie laughed. I am having a panic attack Nat, how the hell did they get here? I ask her but she doesn't reply. "When we got sent there, we found out it was actually a reform school for werewolves.

Ever since we found out we started making plans on how to run away with the help of my wolf, Aiden. And we finally managed to escape, we used my wolf's sense of direction to get here." Alex replies hugging me, mum and then dad. "But weren't you in Alpha Marcus's territory?" I am seriously confused now. "Yes, but we didn't know how he would react to two children running in his territory, and my wolf said that we should head to Alpha Vincent's territory and then to this place." Mick explains huffing and puffing.

Vincent, James and Marcus give me confused looks. "Alex and Mick are twins they are 14, but like to act and look cooler and older. They always manage to come up with weird plans and pranks which normally back-fire-" I say but am cut off by my two lousy brothers "Except this one." They say in unison. "Yeah, yeah whatever." I say bored with them already. "So sis what you doin here?" Mick asks.

"Why you wanna know." I say smirking, I know that they saw the way Marcus had his arm around my waist. "Because we do, we have a right." Alex say making stupid hand gestures. "Did you know that you look stupid doing hand gestures." I say with my eyebrows raised. Alex turns a deep shade of red, I pull my phone and click a few pics. "Delete those now." Alex says after recovering from his embarrassing moment. "Nope." I make sure to pop the 'p'. 

"Bitch" I heard him mutter under his breath. "Alex!!" Mum and dad say, angry at calling me that, I poke my tongue out at him and smirk. I look over the the guys to see amused looks on their faces with our family drama. Good to know you guys are amused by this situation. I say through our link.

They throw a smirk my way and then resume watching my parents. I walk in the kitchen and grab a jug of milk and juice. This is gonna be fun, right Nat? I grin evilly. You really shouldn't do that. She says amused. Oh stop being a pussy. Come on, you know you wanna. I say persuading her, I hear her laugh and creep closer not wanting to be too far away for when I do my prank. 

I walk up behind the guys that are huddled together to watch, thankfully they are sitting on couches so I don't have to stand on something to get to them. I hold the milk jug over Marcus and Jake's head and the juice jug over Vincent and James's head. I wait for Alex and Mick to catch onto what I'm doing, they finally look over at me and pull out their phones ready to take pictures of this. 'Ready?' I mouth to them and they nod.

I tip the jugs over them making them jump to their feet and look around searching for the culprit. I put the jugs on the ground and back away but they notice me and start walking towards me. I look around for a place to run and find an opening between James and Jake. I run between them and behind my mum and dad that were laughing their head off at the sight of the two Alpha's. "If you weren't my sister then you would be dead." Vincent says with a serious tone. "Exactly." Marcus says, I raise my eyebrow at him. "I'm like a sister to you?" I say with amusement lacing my tone.

He immediately realizes what he said and back tracks. "No, I meant that if you weren't my mate you would be dead." He says. "What!!!" I look back at Alex and Mick who were fuming over god knows what. "Why are you so angry?" I ask covering my ears. "He's your mate!?!?" They yell making my ears ache, I grab their phones and run towards my room. "Hey, that's our phones. Give them back!!" They yell after me, I immediately hear 2 pairs of footsteps following me. I reach my room before them and shut the door in their faces, I sit on my bed and then burst out laughing. I guess their password in 3 guesses knowing their choice well. 

I Bluetooth the photo's recently took of the guys to my phone. I walk out of my room to find Alex and Mick pacing waiting for me. "Hey!" I say and throw their phones at them, barely catching them. I spin on my heel and head back towards my room, saying goodnight over my shoulder.

I wake up to an uneasy feeling, like someone is watching me. I get up and walk out the door to see Jake raiding the fridge. "You're always hungry." I whisper making him jump at least 5 feet in the air. He just glares at me and continues raiding the fridge. "I'm going out for a run OK?" I say, he hums a reply. I run outside and start walking not wanting to shift, I walk for what feels like hours. I look at my surroundings to find that I'm at a clearing, I sniff the air to check that I'm still in Vincent's territory. I hear a twig snap making my jump in a attack stance ready to fight. "You think you can fight me kiddo." I hear a voice in front of me, I recognize the voice from my dream and instantly start feeling scared.

What do we do Nat?!?!' I ask ready to have a panic attack. Call the guys through our mind-link. She replies sounding like she was ready to take over in case I did have a panic attack. Vincent, James, Jake I need your help ASAP. I say still watching the place where the voice came from. Where are you? Why'd you leave? I feel Vincent, James and Jake moving around. I'm in a clearing that has yellow daisies and red roses. I say looking around. My biggest mistake by doing so, I feel a pinch and then feel myself fade into darkness.

Marcus's POV 

I jolt awake feeling a wave of fear course through me, but the fear wasn't mine it was my mate's. I throw on shorts and run outside. Vincent, why the fuck is Raven so scared? I ask confidently ready to kill the person that scared her. I don't know man but she called for my help and that's where we are headed. It's a clearing with yellow daisies and red roses. I cut off the link and run full speed to the clearing getting there just as Vincent, James, Jake, her mum and dad and her brothers looking on full alert. 

"Where is she?" I say frantically looking around. "I don't know she said she was here." Jake says, he looked guilty. "What did you do?" I ask dead calm scaring Jake. "I-I d-didn't do anything. She told me that sh-she was going for a r-run and I forgot t-to ask her where." I stammers, I let out a frustrated sigh, my wolf on edge without his mate. I see something shining in the grass, I walk over to it and see a injection which had some liquid left in it. I sniff the liquid and growl. "Wolfs-bane" I say snapping the injection in my hand making the liquid burn my skin.Marcus, I can feel her wolf. I think she's awake. Levi says excited to know where our mate is. OK, buddy. I say and look through her eyes.

She's tied to chains in a cell with silver around them, she tries to break free but gets nothing but burns. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." She says to herself, I look around and see that there is a man sitting there looking amused. "What. Do. You. Want?" She says through gritted teeth. "Oh, nothing I just want to torture you. " He says, Raven growls at him angrily. His smile vanishes, he stands up and grabs a whip and starts lashing her shoulders and hips all while she just sits there not moving an inch. 

How the hell can she stay so calm. He grabs a fistful of hair and yanks down hard making her cry out in pain, satisfied he starts to walk away but she stops him. "Bain, if you think that by torturing me you're going to get me to spill or break then you're highly mistaken. I'm used being tortured so there is nothing you can do that will be worse than that." Raven spits out with distaste. "How about raping you every. Single. Night?" He says. How fucking dare he? "Go ahead, but that isn't new either. Your filthy sister has used every single torture method on me making me able to not cry or scream about it." She says. What the hell?

I pull away and drop to the ground with my head in my hands. I suddenly stand up straight and look Vincent in the eyes. "What has happened to her when she was with Mary?" I ask not sure I want to know. "Marcus let's go back to the pack house and I will explain everything." I felt like declining but restrained myself from doing so, the urge to know to strong. "Fine." I say and walk back with them all the while thinking about what's happening to her now and what has happened to her.

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