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Ravens POV

Finally, I thought he'd never leave. I say to Nat making her whimper, How can you say that he's our mate and your thankful that he's gone. I can't believe this. Nat said angrily. No, no you're getting me wrong. I meant that now that he's gone we can put our plan into action. How fast can we run with this leg? I ask worried that it won't work. Um- She was cut off by my cell door opening again, I felt Natalie retreat to the back of my mind not that I blame her. I look up to see a guy no older than 7 coming towards me cautiously. Up close I can see that he is malnourished and has bruise on his skins. "Hey, I won't hurt you I promise. Why are you here?" I say in a soft tone.

The boy straightens up and and extends his hand towards me. "My name is Jason." He says his voice no higher than that of a squeak. "My name is Raven, why are you here?" I ask him again while shaking his hand. He gets on his knees and immediately starts to treat my wound. "Hey, would you like to leave this place?" I ask him his head snaps up at me and then back at my wound. He nods and I continue. "OK where are you staying?" I ask him. "The cell to your right." He says quietly, I nod. "OK, before you leave you need to do one thing can you?" I ask, he nods again and I smile. "Good, I want you to grab one of my bobby pins and place it in my hand." I whisper so only he hears. "You're a wolf aren't you?" I ask, he again nods. "How old are you?" I say curiously.

"I'm 5 years old" I gasp he's only 5 and is being treated like a slave. "I am getting you out of here even if that is the last thing I do. Got it?" I say in my alpha tone, his head slowly looks up at me shock written all over his face. "Y-you're an A-alpha?" He said scared, I nod and he walks out with a hopeful look on his face. "I promise" I whisper to myself. I feel something in my hand, I glance down at it to see a Bobby pin. I grin at how quietly and sneakily he did it, I use the pin to remove the silver cuffs burning myself a couple of times. I stand up and stretch my now stiff muscles, Time for business. Natalie smirks.

Yep. I say grinning. I look over at Jason to see him smiling at me, I smile back at him and mouth 'ready?' He vigorously nods his head, excited to finally have a chance at leaving this place, I chuckle silently at his enthusiasm.I start picking the cell lock, after what felt like hours I hear the soft click of the cell door. I strain my ears and listen for any rogues, hearing no one I step out of my cell looking around for any CCTV cameras. Seeing none I quickly move to Jason's door and start picking the lock ferociously not liking the fact that I am in the open. After minutes of picking I manage to rip open his door, I help him out and mask my scent and help him in masking his.

We manage to walk outside without running into anyone, I feel something pull on my arm. I look behind me to see Jason on the ground panting, I look around and pull him behind a large statue of Anubis. "Can you walk?" I ask, he shakes his head. I sigh and look around for any signs of werewolves, once I'm satisfied that no one is around I haul Jason onto my back and piggy back him till we reach the edge of the forest.

What idiots for not setting guards. Natalie laughs, I grin at their stupidity. Then again they didn't expect us to get out of silver cuffs and get out of a titanium cell. I state while laughing inwardly. Since I'm an Alpha our sense of direction is good meaning we can find our packs really fast. I change course and walk north instead of east, I hear Jason's light snores in my ears. I jump into a tree at the sound of the bushes rustling. "Dude, I swear I saw a chick walking here." I hear a guy say, I look down at him and sniff the air rogues, 2 of them. "Man, you always see chicks. You're probably hallucinating." The second guy laughs at his friend. I wait for them to disappear into the forest before resuming my trek North.

3 hours later

I notice the forest thinning meaning that a town was approaching, I breathe a sigh of relief that there was a place to rest and it was a human town meaning there was no pack to question us. I feel Jason stir on my back, I look down at my boots to see something shining in the moonlight. I set Jason down on a park bench and reach for it. I notice my phone, some money and a silver dagger. I forgot that we had this stuff. I say to Nat. I check my credit to find just enough for 3 minutes, I remember a friend telling me that he moved to this town after moving out of his parents house.

I pick Jason up cradling him and walk to a nearby 24 hour diner called Hall's burgers. Good name, I walk inside and get strange looks from people, I then realise that I am carrying a beaten up boy into a diner. I smile and walk over to booth that was isolated from curious eyes. "Hello and welcome to Hall's burgers, what may I get you?" A waitress asks looking at Jason and then at me. "Um... nothing" I say smiling nervously. She walks off to help another customer. I look through my contacts and find Ronny's number, I take a deep breath and press call

(R=Ronny and RA= raven)

R= Is there a good reason for you to be calling me this late Rave?
RA= I need your help with something.
R= Yeah, sure what do you need help with Rave?
RA= Can you pick me up from Hall's burgers on Richard street, and yes I am in California and I will explain when you pick me up,
R= I'll be there in 5. K?

I hang up happy to have someone to trust, now how do I explain this to Ronny?

Exactly 5 minutes later Ronny came rushing in, I smile and stand up. We both freeze in front of each other. I can't believe that he is a werewolf. Nat says. "Hey." I say nervously, he opens his mouth about to reply when Jason sits up and frantically looks around. I rush to his side and whisper comforting words. "Shh, you're safe now." I look at Ronny, he nods and lifts Jason that was falling asleep again.

"Care to explain. " He says waving a hand around once we were in his apartment. So I sit him down and tell him about my life in the past 3 years.

The next day

I wake up to the smell of bacon cooking, "I don't remember going to sleep." I say as I walk into the kitchen to see Ronny and Jason cooking breakfast. "Yeah, you were pretty tired." Ronny said grinning. "OK, now why are you a rogue. I mean don't you want to live in a pack?" I ask him hoping he wants to join a pack. I want our mate... Natalie whined, I chuckled inside my head at her behavior. "I do, but most packs don't accept rogues into their pack unless they have some sort of connection to it. And some rogues get killed for trespassing." He explains, I nod understanding his dilemma.

"Well then I'm going to make sure that you two get to live in a pack." I say leaving no room for argument, they nod and proceed to eating their breakfast. Having an Alpha tone comes in handy /I say to my wolf trying to distract her from thinking about our mate. Uh huh. that's all I get. I sigh frustrated, Ronny looks up at me with an eyebrow raised. "Natalie cut our connection off cause I wasn't moving fast enough to our mate." I say answering his unsaid question.

"OK, Ronny first you need to take me to this clearing on the edge of Alpha Vincent's territory where Marcus's territory meets his. I need to pick something up. Do you know the clearing where there is a small lake?" I instruct he nods and starts getting his car, I balance Jason on my hip and follow Ronny outside to his truck. "Rave, it takes an hour and a half to get there so feel free to sleep." He says once everything's ready. "K, but I get to drive for the last 40 minutes." I say using my alpha tone.

Rachel's POV

We've searched high and low for the locket but find nothing, by now we have searched the entire pack house Vincent's and Marcus's for just in case. Where could Raven and Natalie be? How is he treating them? Why won't she just tell him? My wolf asks as if expecting me to answer her questions making me sigh. I really don't know. In the past 48 hours I have had 10 meltdowns and Marcus has destroyed the living room, his room at both the houses and his office. Though I can't blame him, he is an alpha and losing his mate like that is tragic.

Marcus storms in looking frustrated at something. "Any word from her or what's happening?" I ask panicked at his state. The others file in looking devastated. "No, she's blocked the mind link and any other possible way of contacting her. Natalie won't talk to Levi saying it's to hard to be so far away and only being able to talk." He growls out. A sob makes an entrance, everyone's eyes snap to me and I realise the sob belongs to me. I fall to my knees and start to heavily sob and whimper, though I can't help but feel relieved. Another sob escapes my lips and I punch the nearest wall that was already covered with holes from Marcus and the other guys.

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