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SOMEWHERE DEEP WITHIN CHICAGO, sitting on the Southside of town was a little house occupied with a man, his longtime girlfriend, and their three kids.

Kevin Ball and Veronica Fisher sat at the kitchen table, exhausted from having running after their newborn twins, Amy and Gemma, who just seemed to not be in the mood to deal with them today. They kicked, cried, and screamed their little lungs out all day until the point where Veronica had to call her mother and ask what she could possibly be doing wrong. They were fed and watered, changed and bathed and changed into fresh baby grows, ready for bed.

They were just being difficult, so Veronica had called her mother over at 9:00 at night to give a helping hand. She arrived not 10 minutes later, strutting into the house and straight up to the bedroom to comfort her troublesome grandchildren over to sleep.

But they weren't even the inconvenient children.

A figure walked into the house at 11:50 that night, alarming the sleepy parents sitting at the dining table who had just been enjoying the peace and calmness of the house with no squealing babies. Veronica's heart raced as she stood up to stop the individual from causing any more disruption.

But, with no acknowledgment to the room's atmosphere, they swung open the door and swung it closed just as hard, shaking the whole house as it rammed back into the frame.

Kylie Anderson looked at her two parental figures who looked at her like she had just defused a bomb. She furrowed her brows down at them in confusion. "What? I'm back before midnight?"

On cue, the cries and wails of her two, newly born sisters echoed throughout the house. Kylie's clenched her teeth with guilt and awkwardness, now understanding the situation as the babies roared for a parent's attention. Kylie stepped backward into the outside again, letting her parents get the twins back over to sleep again without her there. Don't want to get in the way! She thought.

Now that— that was their inconvenient child.

Kylie Anderson was, to put it simply, a wild child. Growing up in the natural environment of South Side, she was not domesticated or cultivated that much. Since entering her teenage years, she had become even more fierce and stormy towards people than she used to be– and mostly to people her age.

You see, Kylie wasn't always a disruptive child. She was quite a shy and timid girl when Kev and V had first found her in the foster home.  She was nervous and quiet, and not talkative at all. However, an hour into spending time with Kevin Ball and listening to his funny stories, Kylie seemed to have warmed right up to the teddy bear of a man. He was smitten within seconds by her wanted nothing more but to take her home and protect her from all things evil.

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