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IN THE AFTERNOON, Kylie found herself walking down an old, familiar pathway that lead to no good. Southside was a rundown, horrific-looking place, but she was headed in the direction of the real shit hole.
The buildings she passed were trashed and broken into, unable to be fixed up again and their front yards being a dumping ground.

It was gray and dull down this part of town, physically and emotionally, a place most teen girls wouldn't dare walk down alone- especially at 5:00 pm. It was the abandoned side of town parents told their kids to stay away from, drug lords and shootings taking place on the very ground she stomped on.
The sky was falling dark and Kylie was getting cold; she pulled her black coat closer to her and kept a straight face, figuring out how she was going to approach her old job.

Yes, that was right. The day had finally arrived when the girl found herself making her way to a building she was all too familiar with for work.

She claimed she wasn't nervous, but deep inside she knew she was worried for her well-being. Kylie didn't hate her job, it paid her well but for the stress and constant walking-on-eggshells mentality of it, she didn't think it was worth the money. You see, it wasn't like a normal job where the walking-on-eggshells lead to you getting fired- it meant losing your life.

If Kylie went as far as to mess something up in work, she ran the risk of getting a brutal beating, if not, lifelong injuries.
It was a scary thing.

She entered the old warehouse, the placed blacked out and hidden amongst other run-down buildings. She wandered inside, familiarising herself with her surrounding as she let the latch of the doors shut behind her, echoing into the hallway of the dome.

She kept a brave face on display, holding her head high as she walked down the dark corridor, the only sound being her shoes hitting the carpet.
She was never intimidated before, if anything, she was like a raging bull seeing red in the business- she didn't give a fuck who's toes she trudged on. She didn't take anything seriously, the thought of being seriously hurt or threatened was a joke to her– but she was young and naive. Growing up in the short amount of time she'd been away, she'd realized the true danger of the circumstances she was in.

Passing through another set up double doors it when the sound seemed to surround her: 99% of the room was filled with men smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or counting money.
Music was playing in the back and large, flatscreen TVs littered the room with different sports games on. Nobody had even heard the doors open with the amount of noise going on and Kylie's skill to discreetly sneak in.
She snuck by and to the hidden rooms amongst hidden rooms, finding herself where she was supposed to be.

She breathed in and out quick breaths before switching on her game face, hiding all signs of intimidation she'd felt before. She opened the door loud and widely.

"Dennis! Jerry! My man!" She called, "long time, no see! Am I right?" She chanced the friendly atmosphere, coming into the office.
Two big and tall, muscled men dressed casually in suits sat in the room, like crocodiles chilling in water. Kylie glanced between the two of them, waiting for them to give her a reaction.

Dennis and Jerry T. were the big boys. The bosses who ran the drug world over in Southside, taking care of all the big and important stuff little guys like Kylie and G-Dogg never had to worry about. They saw what went into it and flew it in and out of the city, never having to deal with the worry of being tracked down. They were Pablo Escobar level; the scary guys you never wished to see in person- only hear of their scary stories.

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