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KYLIE ANDERSON WALKED down the street with her ponytail swishing behind her, a spring in her step but a frown on her face as she approached the path to her house. The girl had mixed emotions making her way home this early in the day– 11:00 am– considering she had been trailing her feet home from school that finishes after 3:00 pm.
Yes, Kylie had just about managed to stay an hour in school before she'd got herself kicked out for her behavior and had been forced to walk home. She, herself, was delighted for the obvious reasons— she got out of school early, but part of her was bummed because she knew she would have to deal with a scolding from Veronica.

The thought of facing Veronica was enough to make her pause in her steps and think of another place to squat in the meantime. If she at least waited for V to take on her shift at the Alibi, then she could sneak through her window and stay in her room until she got back at the end of the day- she wouldn't even know she'd been home.

If only she knew where to go, she thought smugly whilst making her way to the house two doors down.

Fiona could understand the situation better, Kylie considered, making her way to the back door, I mean she's kind of used to these things, she was willing to take that chance.

Kylie made her way up the steps of the Gallagher house, her resting bitch face on display as she swung open the door so powerfully she heard it bang against the wall.
Liam was sitting in front of the TV with his attention no longer focused on the cartoon on the screen but on her.
Fiona rushed from the living room to the kitchen to see what the noise was about and who was possibly breaking into her home, but she squinted her eyes and furrowed her brows when her eyes landed on the teenager standing in the kitchen.

"Kylie what the hell are doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Yeah, about that. . ." she dragged out, not knowing how to tell her the news the easy way, "I kinda got suspended."

Her face fell, "you're kidding me."

"I'm not. Here's the letter," she handed her the note she would have to give Veronica later in the day.

Fiona snatched it in her yellow rubber gloves and scanned the letter, her face twisting in disappointment as she realized she wasn't kidding her. "You're unbelievable."

"It wasn't my fault!" Kylie began to defend herself, I mean, it kinda was my fault, but it wasn't done on purpose!

"I highly doubt that," Fi laughed ironically.

"I didn't mean for it to happen! My day was going pretty well– I mean aside from the assumptions and rumors I was getting—"
I had received numerous assumptions about my return to high school, and some of them were just bat-shit crazy. I mean, being checked into a mental institution for trying to set a pet shop on fire? Or being arrested for murdering my non-existent grandfather?
Yeah, I don't know who the hell came up with these rumors, but it sounded to me like they were the ones needing signed in to an institution.

"Oh get to the point!" Fiona cut her off, throwing the gloves into the sink with frustration.

"I set fire to our exams."

I mean, it's not that bad, right?

Her arms fall to her sides and her lips parted speechlessly, "what? wha— WHY?!" she threw her arms up.

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