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Down in Chicago, in a little bedroom upstairs, Kylie Anderson and Debbie Gallagher were pushing each other out of the way as they tried to look at themselves in the mirror. Debbie was trying to get herself and Franny dressed while Kylie was leaning over the desk of her table to smudge some eyeshadow over her eyelids. This was her first wedding.

"Again," Debbie rolled her eyes sourly as she pulled a baby vest over her daughter. "Not the first, probably not the last either."

"Well, that's a bit mean," Kylie mumbled, blending the makeup out with a brush. She wanted to look just nice and pretty for once. "Don't you want her to be happy?"

"Fiona?" Debbie questioned like the girl was making a joke, "'cause she's so happy for me all the time."

"Then why are you getting dressed right now to go?" The brunette quizzed as she turned around to face the girl. 

Debbie gave her a disapproving look and shook her head. "Look. You know I don't want to go— I shouldn't! She wasn't there for me on one of my big days why should I?"

"Because she's your sister," Kylie expressed.
She'd wished she'd had a big sister a lot of the time- she classed herself as an only child as she didn't necessarily run to Amy and Jemma to help with her problems. . . they would be doing that when they got older.

"Exactly. That's why I'm gonna get ready just in case I change my mind," she said, laying Franny back down on Kylie's bed. "She regrets not being around for me and I feel like I should be the bigger person and be around for her so I don't regret anything."

Kylie placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "Maturity."

"Yeah, whatever," the teen grumbled, reaching for a bottle of mascara.
Kylie dipped her finger in some highlight and dabbed it along her face, watching her cheekbones glow elegantly. "She seems so serious with Sean. I like him," Kylie commented, thinking of the two. From what she knew, Sean was good for her. She was yet to hear about him treating her bad or disrespecting her— she knew they had their arguments but she thought he must love her a whole lot if he'd asked her to marry her. But she didn't know what on behind closed doors, so it seemed like a good enough fairytale for her. It was probably the best Fi would get in Southside.

"They have to be serious— it's a wedding," Debbie exaggerated, picking up some blush, "now why are you doing your makeup so well? You're making me feel like shit," she let out a chuckle. She didn't have the effort to do a full face like Kylie- she just about wanted to throw on some mascara so she didn't look too ludicrous for the ceremony.

"We're going to a wedding," Kylie said, stating the obvious. "Obviously, I need to look good."

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of times to look good for a Gallagher wedding. I bet Fiona isn't even wearing any makeup." She said, throwing down the product, "jeez, you're blinding me," she joked, pretending to cover her eyes to shield them from the sparkle on her friend's cheeks.

"As I should be." Kylie responded cockily, applying a light shade of pinky-nude on her lips, "and I need to look bomb. I mean it's not every day you're invited to a wedding."

"You've been to all of Fiona's weddings before?"

"Yes, Debbie! But this is the first one where I actually know what I'm doing with my makeup!" she confessed, "I actually have an excuse to do it now. I was a kid all the other times."

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