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Kylie sat in her room at her desk, doing her homework for once as she listened to her music with her earphones. Upon hearing a noise in the background in the middle of the night, she hesitatingly pulled one out and made her way downstairs.

She was a little nervous to open the door- an impulsive thought of a hitman being sent to kill her from Dennis and Jerry popping into her head as she reached for the door handle. She gave it a second to see if there was any other noise and jumped back at the sound of screeching.


Kylie immediately swung back the door and rushed down the porch steps to find Debbie holding her bump in the snow. She was arched over and crying, her face scrunched up in pain as she hobbled outside in the cold.

"Debbie!" Kylie yelled, rushing to her side, "what the hell are you doing?! What are you doing back home?!"

"My— my— OW!" She cried, clinging onto her stomach again, and before she could get another word out, our mouths fell open at the sound of a splash sound hitting the ground.

She froze first, then screamed. "DEBBIE YOUR WATER JUST BROKE!"

"I KNOW!" She screamed back in her face, clinging onto her arm for support.

Kylie held onto her arm and wrapped her arm around her back, "Okay! Okay! Don't panic! You're gonna be okay!" She tried to reassure her as they walking to her house in the snow. Kylie was in nothing but her pajamas, freezing her tits off but she was too focused on helping her dear friend into the safety to care.

Debbie groaned more as her friend helped her up the porch steps, "IT HURTS SO BAD!"

"Debbie, I know! But it's fine! Relax! Take deep bre—"

"STOP TELLING ME TO RELAX!" She yelled in her face again as Kylie reached for the door. She closed her eyes as her spit landed on her face but she didn't say a word as she gave her the excuse of literally having a baby for behaving the way she was. But then again I get you're in labor but bitch, don't take it fucking out on me.

Kylie couldn't believe what was going on right now. It was all happening so fast. Time had happened so fast- here Debbie was, ready to deliver her baby.
Kylie wrapped the door with her fist, almost barging it down as Debbie cried next to her.
"You're gonna be okay, Debs. Deep breaths, deep breaths," she reassured as the front door swung open.


Debbie was guided to the couch where she lay down, screaming her lungs out as her coat was pulled off her.
Kevin and Lip began freaking out as Svetlana brought out a video camera and began to film the whole thing. Fiona was asking a million questions at once while V was the only one doing something logical.

"Somebody ring a damn ambulance! Debbie come into the kitchen!" Veronica called from the room.

Kylie -the only one not awestruck- pulled out her phone and dialed 911. "Hello, this is 911, what's your emergency—"

"—HI. MY SISTER IS HAVING A BABY. LIKE— RIGHT THIS INSTANT." Kylie screamed into the phone as she watched Debbie wobble into the kitchen. She watched Veronica prep her up on the kitchen counter and surround her with towels and blankets.

Fuck! This was really happening!

"Okay, we will be right there."

A bee noise cut the girl off and she dropped her arm with the phone. "I THINK THE AMBULANCE IS ON ITS WAY?!"

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