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"EW! EW! EW! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Kylie busted through the back door of the Gallagher kitchen. "This morning I walk into Kev and V's bedroom to find Svetlana and her pretty much sucking each other's tit." She explained, horrified.

"Then I go downstairs a little later to get breakfast for food— NO! Veronica and Svet are basically getting it on in front of me and some OLD DUDE I'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!" She paced around the kitchen.
"Go to school, get that shit done— come home again to see them getting pretty friendly once again on the couch the second I walk through the door!" She stressed, "It was bad enough with it just being Kev and V but now I don't need threesomes going on in the room next door to mine!"

The majority of the fam sat on the couch, amused at Kylie's horror story of a day. Lip couldn't help but laugh at her as she complained, "Kev's a lucky man, then," he replied.

Kylie scoffed in disgust and smacked the back of his head, "you're gross!"

She heard a snicker from the kitchen and looked up to find Debbie sitting at the table, catching up on some school work.
Kylie hadn't seen her all day at school after she'd told her she was still going in whether she had Franny or not. "Where were you today? I thought you were going in with Fran?"

"Yeah, I did. Teacher wouldn't let me in because Fran wouldn't stop crying— and then she turned around and made it into some lesson by saying how to use condoms!" She explained, outraged.

Kylie's lip turned up at that- now that was kinda funny. "Well, from now on you should!" She smiled, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl, "don't need anymore Frannys running around!"

As if on cue, a crying, screeching sounded from upstairs, cutting their conversation off.  Debbie wasted no time in running up the stairs to soothe the infant as Kylie made another note as to why you shouldn't have kids. She walked back into the living room to the family trying to cope with the piercing sound.

"We could get soundproof walls," Carl suggested.

"Or earplugs," Lip added.

"— or some food into that fucking baby. She even let anybody hold her yet?" Fiona asked, sitting on the floor as she took a swig of her drink. She was the only one who was yet to hold the baby.

Ian walked through the door in the middle of the conversation and everyone was happy to see him. "Ian, where you been?!"

The boy had just started his new job as a paramedic and was still holding a steady relationship with that firefighter dude he was crushing on.

The crying got louder as Debbie approached downstairs, shutting everybody up.
The group immediately rushed Ian to put out his cigarette and hide the beer bottles as quickly as possible.
Kylie kind of found it ridiculous because the kid could just about open her eyes— she doubted she'd be running around with an ashtray in her hands anytime soon.

"Debbie!" He greeted, walking over to her.
Everybody watched Debbie pass Franny onto Ian to hold. Fiona had disappeared upstairs with Sean, not in the mood to deal with downstairs, and snuck on up.

Kylie looked at Debbie and nudged her, "you think you got enough space in your room?"

"Why?" She asked.

"'Cause I was hoping to crash here the night. I would have taken Ian's bed but now he's just shown up." She nodded at the coincidence, "I'll take the couch if it comes to it, I'm just not going home. Svet and V can't go five minutes without ju—"

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