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"TODAY'S THE DAY, ANDERSON. We're getting you out of here."

Kylie couldn't believe the words she had heard.

Paul— the cop she'd grown to know over the past year- stared her down with intensity in his eyes as he watched the small, 5'4 girl make her way down the corridor of cells, dragging her chained ankles along.
Kylie looked back into his eyes with a blank stare, and despite having no facial features on display, her eyes threatened him just as much as he had tried to. Paul turned his back and let her pass by, looking over the girl's shoulder to keep her in check as she filed away at her nails.

Kylie passed by all the cells, watching her fellow inmates cheer for her and some scowl- jealous that today was her day of release and not theirs.

Suckers, she thought.

Walking past all the hands sticking out of the jail bars, Kylie found herself reaching for a hand and quickly filing down their horrid-looking nails. It's all about self-care ladies, there is no excuse for not doing it!

"Keep it goin', Anderson." The officer shoved her forward, causing her to stumble on her feet. And they wondered why inmates weren't nice to them. . .

She snapped the nail file in half.

Officer Paul guided her to the lobby and reception of the jail. Kylie had to go through a couple of stages and speak to specific officers before she was on her way to freedom again, but she didn't seem to mind that much- she was getting freed after all.
In the middle of confirming her identity, a woman cop interrupted her with some disappointing information whilst reading over a clipboard of paper. "It seems your family is running late. You want some time to change outta those clothes?" She asked, holding up a ziplock bag of clothes she assumed Veronica had dropped off.

"Oh no," Kylie sarcastically responded, puckering her lips and furrowed her brows down, "I think I'll never take these off! They're awful stylish, come to think of it, starting to grow on m-"

"I don't got time for your sarcasm, Anderson. You either take the clothes or you don't." She cut her off, not evening bothering to look at her as she held the bag out in her hand.

Kylie inwardly scoffed and pushed herself off the front desk to retired the bag. She snatched the bag from her hands and walked on over to the room she'd been directed to.
As she went to close the door behind her for privacy, another female officer showed up, holding her hand out to prevent the door from slamming back in her face.
Kylie screwed her face up in confusion, "what?"

The woman crossed her arms with a huff, "I need to make sure you don't try anything, or have anything stored within the clothes that could harm somebody—"

"Then why didn't you just check them before you gave me them?" She cut her off, offering her the bag back to check, "it would make life a lot easier for both of us?" she suggested, giving her a duh look.

The female officer ignored her and shook her head. "Hurry up and change girly. You think I want to do this?"

With that, Kylie immediately began to change out of the disgusting and uncomfortable navy clothes and into what Veronica had purchased for her, including new undergarments– yay!
She thought about all the new clothes she would have to buy when she got home– they all her old ones wouldn't fit her anyway- she'd grown a lot since she'd last worn them.

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