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WHEN THE GIRL FINALLY arrived home, she found the house empty. She wandered inside with no one to share the excitement with as she threw the two guns in the trashcans outside.

She noticed Kevin's truck outside and V's belongings still laying on the couch inside, but she also noticed the stitching up equipment on the table in front of it, with a first aid bag.

And then she remembered—— Carl.

Fuck! Carl better have gotten himself sorted out because there was no way Kylie would have been able to go back there and work something out now. Not after she'd just deafened a fucking pair of drug lords. 
Kylie contemplated taking Kev's truck to drive around the pinpoints of Chicago where she knew she had a shot of finding him. But then she stalled as she reached for the car keys.

But if I scratch Kev's truck, I am so done for.

But she was already running late and wasting time on finding to find the guys to see if they were okay.

Fuck it. I've been to jail before. I can handle a telling-off.

Kylie retreated back into the house with the keys, nope, nope I can't. Not from Veronica, anyway.

Kylie left the keys back on the counter and left the house, spotting another bike from across the street, parked up against a streetlight.
She groaned as she stole the other bike, grumbling to herself.

Kev, buy me a freakin' car already!

Kylie rode the bike through the city of Chicago, looking down into little alleyways she'd remembered from maps and names while on the job for the sight of the duo. She found most gangs in a gathering, but no sign of Sean and Carl. She cycled along the bridge in the city, ignoring the looks of bystanders and drivers waving her off as she rode in front of them.

She passed through other, run-down neighborhoods that reminded her of her own, inspecting groups of people for the two until she came across a group in particular.
She let the bike roll down on the path, observing the gang of young boys older than her age snickering and laughing amongst each other, fiddling with accessories and other items in their hands.

She recognized a family, chunky, ugly chain around one of their necks as they looked her up and down, and her eyes directed to the awkward cough sounding behind her.

She looked around to find Sean and Carl, standing in the coke in nothing but their socks and underwear.

"What the fuck?"

The hoods turned their attention to the girl on the bike, their faces lifting in surprise at the reconfiguring of the teen. "Why if it isn't little Miss. Kylie."

Kylie recognized them from work from her early days when she ran the streets with Conor to learn how handovers usually worked. They were bitter of Conor for reasons Kylie never knew, but hanging around with him gave them another reason to be jealous of him.

Kylie threw the bike down on the ground and walked over to them, frowning her brows down at them as she looked at them with all of Sean and Carl's belongings on them. From their shirts and coats, down to Sean's watch.
"What the hell, man? Give them their shit back!" She argued like a little kid on the playground.

"Psshhh," they waved her off, "last time I checked I don't obey your rules," he shrugged, eyeing her for any other items they could take from her. They weren't afraid of Kylie because they knew how she'd stumbled into the business by complete accident.
"I like that bike of yours. What you guys think?"

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