two 𖤐

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stay by me darling
[ nishimura riki ]
by nishiflwrs

warnings : cursing
pairing : nishimura riki & fem!reader
chapter word count : 1.3k

chapter 2

"so yea basically that's all your classes, and finally this is your home room," jungwon opened a classroom door, surprisingly the room was empty, "but it's only 7:15 which explains why it's empty,"

"oh okay, i got everything,"

jungwon and haeun exited the classroom,

"we can go back to the field since we still have less than an hour before classes start, plus i can also ask ni-ki what classes he's in to see if he's any with you,"

haeun nodded in response, both walked down the halls, on their way back to the others. haeun shrugged the soreness at her feet away, talking to her brother about a few small things.

now they exited the building,

"won, haeun! wanna play with us?" jay yelled signaling the siblings to join them on the grass.

"wanna play?" jungwon asked haeun next to him.

"uh, sure?"

then they went on, the six of them playing a few games of soccer, sunghoon and sunoo joining a few rounds later. haeun's foot- on and off soreness, confused if it was from when she kicked the ball or from her soulmate's pain.

the teams were split, jake, jungwon, jay, and haeun, then heeseung, sunoo, sunghoon and ni-ki.

ni-ki stood at the goal waiting for the ball to come to him as jake approached slowly, dribbling the ball between his feet, jungwon and haeun stood at the feilds center, sort of watching from a far.

jake smiled as he made his way closer to ni-ki.

"yo, ni-ki if i make this," jake paused placing his foot on top of the ball, "you have to hug jungwon's sister," jake laughed as his foot was ready to strike the ball.

ni-ki was a competitive person, ready to get the ball away from the goal.

the ball came towards the boy. jungwon rolled his eyes, pulling haeun to a side hug, as they watched from the field's center.

jake kicked the ball, a loud pow pulling other students' attention to us. ni-ki leaned forward blocking the ball with one of his arms.

but the boy's arm wasn't strong enough. as it hit, his forearm turned pale then red and swiftly after- the ball quickly hit the goal's net which caused jake to beam as the others quietly laughed with him.

ni-ki scoffed still smiling at the fun game before remembering he had had to hug his over protective best friend's sister and that his forearm was completely burning.

jungwon held onto his sister's side tight.

"yah! ni-ki you good?" heeseung yelled as ni-ki made his way to the rest of them.

"mm! just burns- alot," he held onto his forearm for a minute, as the burn wouldn't go away. "gosh you kick so hard,"

jake chuckled, "oops, i feel bad for your soulmate right now,"

haeun stood next to jungwon, lacing her fingers together behind her as she rubbed here forearm against her back, the burning kicking into her body as well. she looked at ni-ki, holding onto his arm sighing every now and then. the girl became nervous as she started looking to the grass below them.

stay by me darling - nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now