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stay by me darling
[ nishimura riki ]
by nishiflwrs

warnings : cursing,
pairing : nishimura riki & fem!reader
chapter word count : 1k

chapter 9

12:37 - midlunch

honestly, i was mad at him. i was mad at ni-ki. how could he be so careless and get into a fight like that

the two sat in the hallway. the rest of the students being downstairs in the eating areas. haeun unknowingly holding ni-ki's hand extremely tight.

"are you stupid? why're you getting into fights?"

"he started it" ni-ki complained.

"you sound like a child, and look at you," haeun sighed and moved the boy's hair out of his face. she examined his face closely this time. his pale skin made the blood on his face even more of a brighter red. he was still out of breath. ni-ki made a face of pain as haeun let go of his hand.

"my bad sorry" she held to his hand again.

"im great. lunch is going to end soon. lets go." ni-ki said.

"no. we have to go to the clinic silly. look at yourself. seriously."

"i said i'm fine. " he insised angrily. ni-ki sighed and turned away.

"fine. you wanna be alone. be alone. good luck getting to class!" haeun let go of  the boy's hand and walked away. slowly, the corners of her lips turning upward.

1    2     3.....

"ah fuck nevermind. haeun-" ni-ki called for her as he held his side.

"thank goodness that hurt me too." she said.

she smiled and turned around "mhm thats what i thought nishimura  " she said as she crouched down. she put her hand on his shoulder. "lets go to the clinic"

3:05pm - after school

ni-ki lays on one of the school clinic beds.

"my knee hurts lowkey," haeun complained lifting her knee, resting it on the clinic bed. "you know... from carrying u a warrior! thank me nishimura!" she rolled her eyes.

the beat up boy spoke, "thou i devote my thanks to my divine hero. what ever shall i do to repay you m'lady..." he replied with an accent, "do i sound like shakespear?"

"grossb you have alot of energy for someone looking completely helpless right now."

he nodded, "guess im used to it"

"...are you good?" she asked seriously this time.

ni-ki nodded his head and sighed.

"you're so clingy look at you" haeun pointed at their hands. they both looked down at their fingers intertwined together. haeun laughed.

ni-ki took his hand away, "look." he held up his hands, surrendering. "light work."

he smiled proud but one of his eyes twitched.

stay by me darling - nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now