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stay by me darling
[ nishimura riki ]
by nishiflwrs

warnings : cursing,
pairing : nishimura riki & fem!reader
chapter word count : 1.1k

chapter 12

haeun's pov

ni-ki and yena. yena and ni-ki? is this real.

my past and my present lining up...

ni-ki dating that fucking bi-

"oh my goodness! hi haeun! its been so long! im so happy we're in the same school again," the girl said

i looked up at them both. ni-ki was standing with both hands in his pockets and yena held onto him by hooking her arm onto him.

"yeah." i responded and looked away from them both.

"ni-ki why don't you say hi to the poor girl! you're so mean!" yena said to the boy and tugged on ni-ki's arm. "and weren't you guys friends before?"

no one said a word for a moment.

"anyways! oh my goodness i forgot to mention, ni-ki and i are dating now! isn't that awesome haeun?!" yena smiled at me pulling ni-ki's arm closer to herself and giggling. "we gotta go! i still need to find my first period, byee!"

the two walked away as i sinked into my seat. my head gradually fell onto the table as an odd burn took over my chest.

is this really happening? why do i care though?

i sunk further down my chair. the feelings couldn't even seep into my skin, just a heart burn.

"hey haeun!"

i immediately sat up and was not very happy to see alan talking to me once again.

"it's nice that you took my advice." he paused, "you know, the one about not being around ni-ki."

my eyes widened as i recalled his small threat about regretting being around him. how could he have known something bad was bound to happen? was ni-ki like that to everyone? does he treat every girl he meets like that? does he even-

"hello? haeun?" he waved his hand infront of my face.

"uh what?" i blinked hard forgetting where i was,"

he chuckled, "it's time for first period, and you seem out of it. let me walk you,"

"oh. ok," i nodded as there was no excuse to escape the situation anyways.
"so how long have you known ni-ki?" alan asked me as we walked along the crowded halls.

"i only met him this school year, but he's been my brother's friend for a lifetime." i answered looking at the ground.

"you two had a thing going on?"

"yea," i nodded, "we're good friends,"

he playfully pushed my side with his shoulder, "i meant 'were you two ever more than friends?'"

stay by me darling - nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now