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stay by me darling
[ nishimura riki ]
by nishiflwrs

warnings : cursing,
pairing : nishimura riki & fem!reader
chapter word count : 600

chapter 8

"naur, ms. matthews sucks, you genuinely like her teaching?" jake asked sunoo and jungwon, the two younger boys nodded yes's.

"she's not that bad i don't get what you old people are saying," jungwon laughed, the boy sat on the couch his arm resting on the arm rest and his hand was brushing his own hair back, "i'm actually learning things from her classes,"

jay clapped "you're kidding? ... right?"

"did she like upgrade her teaching style right when we left her class-"

the boys talked on and on about their classes. all gathered in jungwon's room, immersed in conversation. except for the youngest of course, riki sat on the floor by the door, not understanding a thing about what the boys were talking about due to the fact he was just one year younger. but he didn't really care. staring was a good pass time, but it unfortunately became way too boring after sometime.

"i'm going to the bathroom," the youngest said quietly, opening the door with a smile. the older boys just nodded and continued what they were talking about, getting lost in the void time.

yn pov

today was another one of those fridays. one to deal with the loud voices and laughter emitting from your brothers room. although both you and your brother's doors were 100% shut closed, it wasn't enough to keep the noise out of your own room. but now it was some what different? you now knew the boys that jungwon hangs out with. you didn't have to strictly stay in your room until all the boys leave. in fact, there really wasn't anything to care about anymore. no need to be so cautious and careful in your own home.

your door slowly creaked open.

"hello?" the person on the other side of the door said, "haeun?"

"mhm? yea?" you sat on your chair watching the door in confusion as it slowly opened.

"i'm bored"

i complained, "get out of hereee. i want my alone time"

"alone time? you're in love with me." ni-ki said as he sat on the floor of my room.

"you say that alot, its like you actually want me to be."

"someones a bit full of themselves," ni-ki snickered back as he played with a rubberband he found on the floor.

"you literally want me nishimura, you're just in denial,"

he looked up, "and so what if thats true?", his eyebrow raised.

"what?..." i looked away.

the boy laughed out loud, "i win."

"win what?"

"this little game your playing with me."

"what game?" i looked at him confused.

"your little 'whoever gets nervous fist looses'." he chuckled, "you start it, but ill always win it" he paused for a bit, looking back down at the rubberband in his hands, he continued, "which is why you must allow me to hang out with you"

"what? why?"

"because i won"

i sighed. "i didnt even agree to the competition,"

"we could always start a new little competition darling," he looked back up, still making shapes w the band.

"nah im good, you can hang out in here just dont bother me" i let myself fall backwards onto my bed.

"but isnt that the whole point of hanging out with my lovely soulmate?"

ni-ki held one side of the rubber band and pulled the opposite side with one finger. he carefully aimed at the side of your body, one eye closed for accuracy. he aimed ready to launch.


"ni-ki! what the fuck."

he giggled covering his mouth in shock, "wow, thanks for telling me i have amazing aim darling"

"your lucky that didnt hurt," i threw the rubberband back to him.

"and so what if it did?"

"stop flirting with me nishimura,"

"stop flirting with me nishimura,"_______________________

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stop resisting

stay by me darling - nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now