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stay by me darling
[ nishimura riki ]
by nishiflwrs

warnings : cursing, blood,
pairing : nishimura riki & fem!reader
chapter word count : 1.3k

chapter 8

"at this point, they're probably dating,"

"they. are. not. haeun would never" jungwon said, "theyre like completely different,"

"how? they seem super close though?" sunghoon asked as all the boys began to think.

"they really are completely different. and haeun's crushes in the past all had the same interests as her. her and ni-ki? complete polar opposites,"

"okay but how?" sunoo kept thinking.

"first of all, haeun is not athletic at all, and ni-ki, no explanation needed"

jay nodded, "im starting to see it, ni-ki's so outgoing and extroverted and haeun is super introverted"

"plus, i can never, i mean NEVER, see ni-ki being whipped for a girl," heeseung added.

faint laughter could be heard, the boys turned around recognizing the voice.

"i hate you! put that sweater back on!"

the laughter continued.

"i refuse to continue living nishimura!"

"stop being dramatic! you look adorable."

the two, haeun and ni-ki came around the corner from where the laughter was emitting. the rest of the boys watching them walk across the field towards them.

haeun scrunched her eyebrows tiredly looking down at her outfit as she skipped seemingly angry. her usual beige tote bag she brought to school wasn't on her shoulder. she held the bottom of her red tshirt complaining. the girl wore her usual blue jeans which seemed to not have been ironed after coming out of the washer. a couple strands of hair fell out of her pony tail, the wind pushing them on her face as she brushed the strands behind her ears every so often.

the boy next to her walking and laughing, once in a while stopping to take a breath from the giggles taking his breather. ni-ki looked at the girl every second, not daring to look away from her, as if she was a valuable that needed to be watched 24/7. his smile never, not even for a milisecond,

he wore the same colored, red tshirt as haeun. his own blue jeans fitting perfectly on him. his black backpack on his back, the back pocket of the backpack, unzipped and open as usual. the boy's black and white varsity jacket was held by one finger and rested on one of his shoulders. the girls tote bag hung on his other.

"this is hideous, it looks like those i love nyc shirts" haeun complained.

"hey.. those nyc shirts are nice.." jake said.

"they are," ni-ki agreed, dabbing jake up, "anyways, cool drip huh?"

ni-ki spun around showing off his tshirt.

"i love haeun?" sunoo said giggling. "i love ni-ki? you guys are matching!"

"unfortunately" haeun sighed, " i didn't even agree to this!"

stay by me darling - nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now