My OCs

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Fun fact: I actually really dislike using OCs. I like to keep things as close to canon as possible. OCs also tend to be overpowered, in the spotlight, and often Mary Sues. However, sometimes an OC is necessary to the plot. When I create an OC, they are always a side character that is never more powerful than the canon main characters.

I have a very small list of OCs that are not just a name and a passing plot point. The few that I have, however, I love. For once, I'm giving them the spotlight to share with you.

Caldir – The Lord of the Rings
A Wood-Elf from Mirkwood. He is a lieutenant in the Woodland Realm Guard under Prince Legolas. He is one of Legolas' closest friends. Caldir is loyal to no end and an excellent warrior. He is one of the younger Elves in Mirkwood, but still older than Legolas. He is quick witted and cannot hold back when given the opportunity to tease. Nevertheless, he is respectful to his king and focused on the battlefield. He has brown hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes while dressed in the traditional browns and greens.
Featured in The Heirs of Middle-earth, We Hates Elves! one shot, and the Arda Series

Rimdes – The Lord of the Rings
A Wood-Elf from Mirkwood. She is a warrior and healer in the Woodland Realm Guard under Prince Legolas. Like Caldir, she's considered a young Elf though older than Legolas. She is another of his close friends. Rimdes' life has been marked by tragedy, which makes it difficult for her to open up, but her trauma makes her kind, hence why she became a healer. Her healing abilities are limited to the knowledge of Mirkwood, but with Lord Elrond's training, she became a very powerful healer. She has blue eyes, olive skin, and black hair while dressed in the traditional dark greens and browns.
Featured in the Arda Series

Trip – Star Wars
A Clone soldier in the Republic Army. Trip got his nickname for being a very clumsy cadet. His CT number begins with 16 and I never expanded upon it. In his first appearance, Trip was part of Pong Krell's legion and was transferred to the 501st after Krell's execution and the 501st casualties on Teth. He was a shiny at the time. He may make an appearance again in other works just as a 501st shiny. To accompany his clumsiness, Trip is also shy and soft-spoken. Yet, he has a drive to do what is right. The older members of the 501st take him under their wing, including Captain Rex, and he developed a strong friendship with Ahsoka Tano.
Featured in Broken Survivor

Nakano Eito (surname first) – Indiana Jones
A military captain from Tokyo, Japan. He agreed to lead an army of German Nazis on the mission to find the Temple of the Forbidden Eye in order to convince Japan to become Germany's ally. He was the one who ordered the bombing of Shanghai by carrier aircraft in 1932, which orphaned Short Round when he was four and spurred the First Battle of Shanghai. Nakano is the main villain in my fanfic based off of the Indiana Jones Disneyland ride. The Japanese did end up signing the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy in 1940, but it was not inspired by his achievement as Nakano died in the Temple. Nakano is cunning and cruel, but also fearless, which leads to his downfall.
Featured in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Anna Wood – Indiana Jones
A former student of Dr. Jones and a new professor at Marshall College. I don't really know why I created her, but she's featured in a little one shot where she gives Indiana Jones information about the Ark of the Covenant and covers for him as substitute teacher. Dr. Wood is also an archeologist and archeology professor. She was one of the few girls in her class who idolized Indiana Jones for his adventures rather than for his looks. She's a Protestant Christian and a student of Bible as well as history, which is why Dr. Jones came to her. Anna follows the same thrill for adventure, though has considerably less dangerous encounters. When not out excavating, she typically wears modest teacher's frocks in muted colors. Her long brown hair is normally braided in two braids down her front. When she gets her hands dirty, Anna dresses very similarly to Indiana Jones. She carries a gun and is an excellent shot. I named her after two of my favorite Indiana Jones characters: IndiANA Jones and Marion RavenWOOD.
Featured in Dr. Anna Wood one shot

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