Need Fanfic Ideas? I Gotchu

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A little dry on inspiration? Been there. Sometimes we need just one good idea to get us going. 

I don't normally like to get ideas from other people. However, sometimes the old noggin just doesn't work and getting the tiniest bit of inspiration from someone else can kick start it. Here's some fanfic ideas I'm not going to write that is free for grabs. Take as much or as little as you'd like. I hope this helps.

Star Wars AU Pong Krell is Ahsoka Tano's Master

My most popular fanfic, Broken Survivor, uses this plot. However, this idea isn't originally mine. I've read several amazing fics with the same idea, but we all use different twists and turns. If you liked my story and were inspired to write your own, this is your permission to do so. Just let me know so I can read it!

Ninjago and Avatar: The Last Airbender Crossover

Ninjago characters but in the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe. Lloyd is essentially the Avatar anyways since he can bend all four elements of creation. Lloyd is the Avatar from Southern Air Temple, who ran away because he was afraid of his destiny. He was found a hundred years later by two friends in the Southern Water Tribe: Zane and Jay. Zane is the last Waterbender of the Southern Tribe while Jay has no powers, but is an ingenious inventor. Zane is essentially Katara while Jay is Sokka. Meanwhile, Prince Kai is hunting down the Avatar to restore his honor with his uncle and/or mentor Wu. After speaking out of turn in a war council, Prince Kai was challenged by his father Fire Lord Ray in an Agni Kai, burned, and then banished. Kai is Zukko, Wu is Uncle Iroh, Ray is Fire Lord Ozai, and Maya is Fire Lady Ursa. The twist is that Nya is Azula except she isn't crazy and a prodigy Firebender. Maya came from the Northern Water Tribe and was a Waterbender, but was forced by her husband to pretend to be a native of the Fire Nation and a non-bender. He thinks Nya is a non-bender and is thus mostly ignores her. In secret, she is a Waterbender. Kai is very protective of her and is eager to get back home to her. Also, Cole is Toph and Skylar is Mai. Feel free to use this as superficially or loosely as you want. Heck, make Jay a Firebender because he's the lightning ninja!

Reversal Avatar: The Last Airbender AU

The Southern Water Tribe took over the world, killing the Airbenders and destroying the Fire Nation. Zuko and Azula are Firebending peasants, though a hundred years ago, their family was royalty. They find Aang trapped in hardened lava and discover he is the Avatar. Meanwhile, non-bender Sokka is searching for the Avatar. Katara is not insane like Azula was, but she is crafty. She and Sokka have a better relationship than Zukko and Azula had in the show. Azula is still kind of malicious, but not crazy. Also, Zuko still has his scar because their father is an abusive jerk. Toph is still Toph. And possible Yue and Sokka arranged marriage until she dies? Katara is still compassionate to a degree, so possible redemption?

VALORANT Zombie Apocalypse AU

Instead of fighting Omega Earth, the VALORANT Protocol's biggest threat is the zombie apocalypse. Kingdom's experiments with Radiantite accidentally created a zombie outbreak. The world is in shambles and it's every man for himself. Kingdom is no longer a global company, but is operating tirelessly to find a cure. Brimstone collects willing people and Radiants to help protect what's left of humanity, protect Radiants, and to find a cure, which Viper, Killjoy, Omen, Sage and others are working together on. They also fight Kingdom as the scientists there are experimenting on Radiants to find out why they are immune. Reyna is apathetic towards humanity, but is willing to help if Viper can cure her non-Radiant sister, who is only still alive and human but comatose due to Reyna's souls. I don't know why, but I like the idea of the VP fighting zombies. A lot of inspiration was taking from The Maze Runner trilogy. 

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