17. ANGER!

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Thank you guys so much for the 900 reads I'm so excited to see where this story goes and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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"Victoria" I say waving my hand in front of her face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry my Prince" she says. "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" I repeat.


"Ow" I say holding my ribs.

"Don't be a wimp Moon Prince" Victoria says smirking.

"I'm not being a wimp you just punched me in the ribs that hurts!" I say losing my temper it's been 3 weeks now and I suck at fighting I've gotten 3 hits in on Victoria. It can't be me who is the one to lead the war. Cole just sighs back in agreement.

"It wasn't that hard. Let's just restart." She says relaxing her body from her fighting position.

"No, I'm done I'm sick of this stupid shit!!" I roar throwing my gloves to the ground storming off. In this 3 weeks Elijah has attempted measly apologies which I listen to, but I never answer him. Also, within the 3 weeks my powers are starting to manifest a lot and are becoming stronger and with me wasting my time with fighting I can't learn to keep control.

"Tate! Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean to anger you!" Victoria yells after me running to try and catch she reaches for my arm to turn me around, but I burst up in flames and turn towards her.

"I said I was done" I say in a menacing voice she cowers away bowing. I continue stalking while up in flames but all of a sudden I'm drenched with water I turn around and see that Victoria just drenched me with a hose putting out the flames engulfing my body.

"What the hell do you want!" I growl out, she gets into a fighting stance.

"Fight me" she states charging at me throwing a punch, but I block it kicking her back, sick of her shit. I try to start walking away again getting really annoyed but she trips me. I fall down but shoot back up immediately Cole getting pissed off too. I turn towards her and start throwing punches left and right while she blocks her head as best she can, but I just keep throwing punches while the heat rises up inside of me again.

I hear commotion around me, but I don't care anymore my fists go up in flames as I continue punching at Victoria someone finally decided it was a good idea to pull me off of her. I thrash around trying to get out of their grip until I hear my brother trying to calm me down, but I continue struggling as a pack doctor looks over Victoria. My anger continues to rise the longer I'm held back by my brother, my small frame is finally able to squeeze out of his arms and I start fighting him.

"Tate calm down come on it couldn't have been that bad, let's just talk about it" he tries to reason continuously taking steps back to stay out of my arms reach. I go to finally punch Anthoney and as my fist connected with his face I feel a needle pierce my neck. I immediately lose balance and fall to the ground everything starting to become blurry and everything starts to spin and then finally it goes dark.


Waking up and I'm in a gross cell that smells of mold, is freezing cold and the stone walls are damp and grey which is what I guess you would expect. The recent event rushes back into my mind and Cole growls out. I quickly stand up and go to the bars of the cell where a guard I don't know who is situated.

"Why am I in here?" I ask but the guard continues to face away from me ignoring what I asked.

"Oi why am I here?" I say a little louder he turns his head towards me acknowledging me then just faces forward again not answering the question again. I feel the little flames inside of me starting and that's when I know I'm about to lose my temper.

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