22. Confrontation

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"So how did it go" Carlos says from behind me, I just nod my head when I hear a knock on the door. I go and open the door to see Victoria.

"So, we good to go on a road trip?!" she says excitedly.


We just arrived at Alpha Trent's house so that I wouldn't be seen in the pack house. They walk out of the house, Trent has his arm protectively around Melanie's waist probably not yet trusting me.

"Hello Luna Tate, we are so glad you made it alright" Trent says first, probably wanting this over and done with. I look to Carlos with anxiety, I'm not sure I can do this anymore.

"Uh hi" I say trying to sound serious, but it just squeaks out like a mouse. I hear a giggle and I feel my cheeks flush.

"You haven't been a Luna for very long have you?" Melanie asks giggling, I shake my head no.

"I can tell you are very shy" I finally look at Melanie properly and then understand why Elijah doesn't love me. She is perfect, she has flawless skin long wavy brown, blonde hair that almost reaches her waist and here I am not even able to be born into the right body, ugly, pimple ridden, fat and most of all have the worst self-esteem. I feel tears prick my eyes and my nose burn as I hold it back I take a deep breath turning toward Carlos and Victoria behind me.

"Yeah I am a bit when meeting new people. Are we able to go inside I don't want stand out here for too long?" I say genuinely serious turning back to them after I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Okay lets go to my office" Alpha Trent says leading the way with his arm still wrapped around Melanie.

As I sit down I realise that Victoria is still standing making me realise that she's guarding me.

"So where would you like to start?" I ask looking around at some photos of the pack.

"Preferably start about why a war is apparently going to happen and the Luna is coming to discuss it would be nice?" Alpha Trent says annoyed, I sigh knowing this would eventually be a question.

"Look I've known about you Melanie for maybe a few days now.." I start Alpha Trent quickly pulls her into his lap "calm down I don't want her... Alpha Elijah he still loves you.. and not me" I say putting me head down, I hear Melanie gasp and Trent growl 'mine'.

"Surely not it's been years I have a kid!" she says shocked.

"The reason I came is because 1 I wanted to be able to talk to you too about meeting Elijah and talking the situation over because I need my mate but also 2 because the Royal Alpha is trying to capture me" I say trying to hold my emotions in.

"Why is he after you and why would I let my mate near him he tried to take her from me!" Trent growls loudly back.

"Look this has to stay between us 5 because... I am a white wolf" I say trailing off at the end waiting for a reaction from them both.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry Luna Tate" Melanie says bowing her head Trent following her lead.

"It's okay you didn't know. I would like it if you call me by my proper title to use Prince" I say a little embarrassed but hiding it, they nod their heads respectively.

"Now this is why the King is after me he wants to kill me for power" I say looking to the side in disgust. "Warrior Victoria here was from the Royal pack but was loyal to her Prince and went searching to find me as soon as she heard of the Kings plans. We expect he take his time with planning, but he has recently attacked my family almost killing my mother and father" I hear Trent growl out obviously now protective of his Prince.

Alpha Elijah's Transgender Mate (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now