7. Awkward

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That night I was fully claimed to Alpha Elijah, the night I knew I could never come back from...


When I wake up I'm very disoriented I open my eyes looking around, I realise I'm naked and then everything hits me.

Omg I've been mated. I have to tell him.

How am I supposed to do that?!

My first problem is my binder isn't on. MAJOR DYSPHORIA!

I look around for some clothes but decide to steal a hoodie and jocks unfortunately I found my ripped-up binder on the floor so now I'm going to be walking around with no binder and mourn the lose of a fallen solider.

I quietly slide out of the warm bed making sure not to wake up my mate I swiftly and quickly chuck on the hoodie and jocks I found. I turn to my mate who is still in bed sound asleep and sigh out in utter emotional pain.

What am I supposed to do now I didn't want to mate yet but it's not like he can betray me right? Right? It's so hard to trust anyone, mother made me doubt myself and doubt Elijah.

I quickly close the door behind me quietly. I slowly turn around to see no one in the halls. I know it's going to be painful to run away but being a rogue will be easier than Elijah most likely using me, for sexual pleasures and for a weapon.

I quietly run down the hall realising I am obviously damn light or I'm getting used to subconsciously using my powers, such as being as light as a feather on the ground. I turn at some stairs that are going down, me hoping it is the right way I quickly slide down the dark polished railing jumping off silently at the bottom.

I continue down the stairs until I hit the bottom, right across from the stairs there was a kitchen and damn I was starving I haven't eaten in days. I quickly move to the kitchen listening out for voices or steps, even just breathing. I slowly peek in not seeing anyone so I run in to the kitchen and grab as much food and water bottles as I can carry in my hoodie.

I creep out of the kitchen checking no one is around so I sprint for the door. I reach for the doorknob but hesitate I'd be leaving almost everything I need behind and I don't know if I'll be able to live with myself, I'd be leaving Kyle behind, I would say my mate but he's why I'm running in the first place. My T shots, they are the one thing that helps me live but I'll have to live without them, before I change my mind I open the door and sprint straight into the woods. It's been about half an hour and I'm still running.

God their territory is huge.

I take a breather up against a tree taking a couple sips of water I start getting ready to run I hear Elijah howling. That definitely tells me he knows I've taken a runner. I quickly get myself together and continue running for another 10 minutes, another howl sounds way closer to me this time.

He's shifted.

I start to hear feet pounding behind me and growls, I freeze knowing he is furious with me it doesn't matter how fast I run in human form he will most likely still catch me. This is all because I doubted myself because of Kyle he's not my mate and I have to get over that, I am still scared of Alpha Elijah though.

I stay still facing away from him I know he will most likely punish me for even moving right now. I hear the cracking of his bones popping in and out of place I cringe at the sounds I HATE those sounds.

I continue to stay frozen until I hear Elijah panting most likely from running so fast.

"Turn around Pup" he growls out. This makes me want to curl up and cry I feel guilty like I'm being scolded by my Dad. I whimper and turn around feeling the tears well up in my eyes. When my eyes meet his, his eyes soften a little but then they go stern again. I fall on my butt on the ground a curl up and cry.

"I'm sorry please forgive me I'm just scared please *sniff*" I say bursting out crying. He walks up to me and picks me up like a baby under my arms and holds me comforting me, as wrap myself around him sobbing. As he brushes my hair, I calm down sniffing my snot away.

"I'm sorry Alpha, please forgive me, please" I whisper. He sighs into my hair trying to calm himself down.

"I'm sorry Little One I didn't mean to upset you; I just don't want to lose you" he says. I quickly put my hands in my hoodie pocket and grab a packet of chips and quickly hand it to him like an offering to him.

Elijah chuckles at me, making me bury myself into his chest.

"Little One you are too cute" he says still chuckling at my apparent cuteness. I growl out trying to get out his hold which causes him to growl back holding my ASS, so I don't fall but he's growl isn't an angry growl but a lustful one, I quickly stop moving as I realise where I'm placed.

He laughs out at the look on my face.

"Gosh way too cute" he continues.

"I'm not cute I'm manly and handsome!" I complain to him.

"Yes your both those things and also way to cute" he says kissing my lips.

Elijah had carried me the whole way back to the house and on the way back I had fallen asleep. When I woke up I had been changed into a big black shirt and some booty shorts.

God I gotta admit I got a cute ass.

I'm so lame I laugh out loud at my own jokes.

"What are you laughing at Little One" Elijah asks. I turn to him and see he's looking me up and down I quickly grab the blanket and cover my body.

"My um I have a cute bum" I whisper. Elijah walks over to the side of the bed I'm on.

"That you do Little One" he chuckles. "I only gave you booty short because my shorts didn't fit you and you looked sexy with them on" he explains.

"Alpha I need to tell you something" I quickly state before he can correct me on my name slip. "I'm a special wolf and I know I lied to you and I feel bad but I'm kind of scared of what I am, and I don't fully want to admit it but I'm a white wolf. As you know white wolves have powers and I don't have a trainer and I'm scared I'm going to hurt you because of me" I quickly state.

"You- You are a white wolf?!" he yells before he falls.

Umm that wasn't what was supposed to happen...


1203 words


Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed!! 🐺💖

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