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"What are you waiting for, TATE" he says mockingly. I look up at him with glowing eyes canines extending down and grin at him.
"Let's go."
"Whatever" he scoffs back "Let's get this done."
An umpire walk into the middle where this loser and I are standing glaring each other down.
"Ready?" he asks both of us, we both just nod, and the umpire initiates the fight to begin. Dickface starts by throwing his face straight for my face, but I duck expecting that. I launch at him taking him down I land on top of him and start throwing punches until he kicks me off laughing.
"God what girly punches!" he bellows out losing his focus on the fight ahead. First thing I learnt from Victoria is we aren't here to talk. I run up to him flicking my claws and running them along his chest causing him to yell out in pain, he pushes me away again this time angry that he actually got hurt by me. I charges forward throwing punches at me which I keep dodging until one finally connects with my face. I fall down not expecting the blow to me face I hold my face making sure nothing is broken looking up at asswipe.
"Well, not so strong now are we" he says with a smug look on his face. I laugh out now finding the humour in his words. He responds with a puzzled look.
"You think one punch is going to stop me?" I ask, this causes him to get angry again going to throw another punch.
"ENOUGH!" a bellowing voice roars out.
"Fuck sake" I complain.
"Looks like your Alpha buddy is here to save you this time" he says quietly to me, I chuckle again.
"You think I'm going to stop fighting because of him? Dream on, ignore his command keep fighting or will you lose to me?" I challenge him again, throwing my self at him slicing across his chest taking him by surprise again, his last wounds still fresh and bleeding out. He growls out flicking his claws out starting to try and slash at me, he almost gets me but is flung to the other side of the ring by none other than the Alpha. The umpire runs over to hold the lowlife down.
"What the hell man!" I yell out getting angry at him.
"DON'T START RIGHT NOW TATE!!" he roars out to me, causing my confidence to shrink back into almost non-existent corner of my brain. I hear a chuckle come from my newfound bully causing me to look his way. He gives me a murderous look and looks up to the Alpha continuing to listen to his lecture about respecting his commands.
Victoria walks up to me helping me up of the ground that I literally sunk down onto.
"Lets get you home" she says, I just nod back. Today has just been a roller coaster first I wake up depressed because I'm going to be outed, then I'm happy to see my brother. Next I'm upset with Anthoney because he doesn't understand how I feel every day. I'm then once again happy because I'm getting outside to see Victoria then I meet a transphobic person in to pack who I fight. Now, I'm just defeated and getting walked home by Victoria.
"You fought really well out there Tate, I'm just saying fighting will normally be much quicker then that" Victoria says going into teacher mode.
"Vic I don't need a teacher right now I need my best friend" I say holding back the tears as the house comes into view. "Ok" she says walking with me up the stairs into the bedroom that I now regret leaving.
"I wish I just stayed in bed this morning" I say as I cry into my pillow as the tears finally pour down my face.
"Come on what happened out there Tate?" she asks rubbing a hand on my back trying to calm me down. I continue laying face down in my pillow crying.
"I-I told you that guy I don't even know his name. I asked him w-where you were because its been so busy today I thought it would be quicker. H-He called me a tranny and a girl. He doesn't accept trans people. This is why I don't want people to know about me. I don't pass okay I don't pass at all! I never will either. I just suck." I sob out loudly until I start to swell my mates scent I shot up off the bed and run into the bathroom.
"Victoria, I'm in the shower tell Elijah anything I've told you, you're going back to the King" I threaten she just nods her head back gulping. I race to the shower quickly turning it on and locking the bathroom door behind me. I strip out of my clothes and quickly jump into the warm shower hearing Elijah walk into the bedroom.
"Victoria where is Tate I have to speak to him about the incident immediately" he asks.
"He's in the shower Alpha he said he wanted to just clean himself off" she replies back seriously.
"Do you know if he's alright?" Elijah asks.
"He's only got a few bruises; he will be fine Alpha" she says trying her best to calm him down.
"Bruises? Bruises aren't fine" he says talking in a quick deep breath obviously fighting back Liam. I take a deep breath quickly blocking all thoughts from my mind washing my body and wiping my eyes. I step out of the shower and grab a towel wrapping it around my body hiding everything and walking out of the bathroom into the bedroom.
"Victoria can I speak with Elijah alone?" I ask quietly, she nods giving me a sympathetic look leaving the room. I walk into the walk-in robe using the magic the moon goddess herself gave me I put on my undergarments including a binder. I take my towel off letting it drop to the floor I feel Elijahs eyes on me.
"What was that out there Tate?" Elijah asks me.
"That was basically a foreshadow onto what will happen tomorrow" I say quietly moving slowly to decide on what I want to wear from the racks.
"How is that going to be happening tomorrow?" he asks generally confused walking over to the robe.
"Do you want to know what he called me?" I ask turning around, the tears fighting to fall again.
"He called me a tranny and a girl. He stated he will never help me. That's why I challenged him." I justify. Elijah looks at me seeing if I'm lying to him but as he sees the tears in my eyes he knows I'm not. The tears finally fall, and I crumble onto the floor unable to hold back my fears or emotional pain.
"Theres no way. I was going to choose him for the Lead Warrior role in the pack." He says in disbelief, I shake my head at his words.
"When are you going to learn that you have too much trust in your pack. I understand there has to be a level of trust in your pack but to the point you won't believe your own mate about the things he's experiencing it's making me doubt we will ever work." I sob out saying the words I really didn't want to say, Elijah stays quiet thinking over my words.
"You're right. I've put too much trust into my pack, but do you understand why I have? I've known these people my entire life so when you say someone is acting some sort of way of course I don't fully believe it at first." He says defending himself, I shake my head in disbelief.
"You are the selfish person I've ever known do you know that?! I just opened up to you and once again you've hurt me. I do hate myself for ever letting you mate with me. I really do. Everyday your digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole. I continuously forgive you over being a self-centred prick because I want to make this work, but you just don't understand!" I yell out over with his bullshit.
"Come on Tate have you seen yourself!" he yells back now angry.
"I am not your Luna, and I am not your mate. If you want me you have to work for it and prove yourself don't even for a second think I'm going to be easy on you!" I say storming out after putting some clothes on. Elijah follows me out throwing me into the wall.
"You aren't going anywhere, MATE!" he says his eyes starting to go black with anger.
"Sorry, I think you have the wrong person Alpha."
I hope you enjoyed remember to follow me to be notified when a new chapter is up! 💖🐺

Alpha Elijah's Transgender Mate (On Hold)
Про оборотнейHe shows no mercy, he will hurt first then ask questions later. Alpha Elijah is the strongest pack in the world. Elijah loves his friends and family and will do anything to protect them. What will happen when his world gets turned upside down with h...