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They arrived at gym 7 right on time, each of them taking a spot at the front of the crowd. Luna smiled sadly at the sound of gasps and whispers, as well as a few sobs. She looked over the crowd of her kids, doing everything in her power to keep the tears building at the corner of her eyes from falling. She could not cry, at least not at that moment. If she did, it wouldn't stop.

Luna pulled a microphone closer to her, adjusting it before turning it on. "Hello again, students." She started, smiling at them. The crowd was completely silent, no one hopeful enough to break the heavy tension above them. They almost couldn't believe she was real. Luna took a deep breath, shaking her head, then leaned back to the mic.

"I want to start this off by saying I'm sorry." She began, her voce shaking. "I disapeared without a word, and it probably hurt me just as much as it hurt you. I love you all. Don't forget that."

"I love you too!" a voice cried, sounding like a child. Luna searched for the source, seeing a few of the older kids stoically holding Lu in one place. The child was jumping up and down, her stumpy legs bolstered by the demonic powers she held. The sight pierced right through Luna's heart.

"We love you too!" Another, younger voice cried, joined by the closest young children around them. The older kids remained mostly silent. They watched her warily, keeping the younger children from jumping to her side as they cried out to her. Luna didn't blame them, not in the slightest. These children had seen too much, and been forced to endure too much since a young age. It came as no surprise they were wary of her.

"Calm, little ones, calm. I got very sick for a very long time, so badly that I was asleep for months!" Luna explained, holding up six fingers. The older kids seemed to understand her signal, and began making a circle around the younger ones. Luna was incredibly proud of them. Even then, when their trust in her was low, they still lined up to protect their younger students.

"I know you're probably scared, but I need you to trust me. In just a moment I am going to split us up, and have Mishi lead everyone grade five and under to another gym. She'll explain everything to you, and then you can all go back to your normal classes. Faculty, stay with your respective classes and begin to prepare for a Red Situation. Any who must leave will come see me at the end of today in this gym. Disperse."

The students jumped into action, older kids leading their younger counterparts away and gathering them into class groups while the teachers counted heads. When everything was completed, they filed out, leaving Luna lone with all students ages 12 and up.

The faculty stood in front of their students, various weapons in hand. The older students were just as wary, eyes wide. They all heard her announcement about a Red Situation. A Red Situation was a call for faculty to begin taking safety precautions against the Vatican. They would monitor students and their behavior closely, even more so than they already did.

They were already used to monitoring their students, as they often doubled as teachers and therapists, the only difference was they had to record everything. Older students would help the teachers up security and dorm requirements while Mishi would begin the process of explaining the situation to younger kids and keeping them calm.

The students and teachers murmured amongst themselves while Luna searched for Amaimon. She saw a flash of green in the rafters above her, and breathed a sigh of relief. Mephisto had warned her that the Vatican could act sooner than she anticipated. Amaimon couldn't play a public role, but he could still be of use to her. As both support and in battle.

"Everyone, please quiet down." Luna asked. She waited for a moment before continuing. "I can only give you all a brief explanation at the moment as we are running out of time, but I hope it is enough to win back your trust."

My Human. {Amaimon X Oc}Where stories live. Discover now