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The first thing Luna did when she entered her school was check the time. It was about midday, so the higher level students should be in class while the younger ones at lunch. Hopefully there hadn't been a reason for the schedules to change while she was gone, so she could avoid her students.

Luna crept around corners, silencing the tense boy behind her each time he tried to say something. He would probably be yelling about how slow they were moving the whole time if she didn't.

She crept to the center offices, looking around carefully as she opened the door. It creaked a bit, but nothing too bad. She dragged Okumura in by his wrist as he tried to meander away, yanking him in the door.

Luna finally straightened completely, walking to Mishi's office. She pulled Okumura along behind her, him protesting loudly.

"Okumura!" She snapped, whirling on him.

He jumped back, eyes wide. "Huh?"

"Stop. Whining." Luna said, eyes narrowing. "When we get to my office, I will change clothes and you will stay with Mishi. She is going to decide if she can take you on a tour, and you will listen for whatever answer she gives you. If you don't, I will find you." She finished.

"Okay!" Okumura said, appearing overwhelmed.

With that Luna nodded, turning to the office door. She opened it, finding exactly what she was expecting. Mishi was filing paperwork with her headphones on, not listening to anything but the music and her own thoughts.

"Mishi!" Luna shouted, smiling in amusement.

The sound, combined with the sudden brightness from the doorway, caused the other girl to look up. Mishi tensed, hand instinctively reaching for her knife under the desk.

Luna held up her hands in surrender, yanking Okumura up beside her.

Mishi slowly removed her headphones, eyes the size of dinner plates. She stood, knife in hand, and walked to them. She took small, hesitant steps, as if she thought they would lunge for her. When the woman was right in front of Luna, she poked her in the chest with the butt of her knife.

Mishi gasped and jumped back, tearing up. "Luna? Is that really you?" She asked, fearfully.

"Yes, Mishi. Who else?" Luna replied.

"Luna... you were gone for so long!" Mishi started, jumping onto Luna like a monkey. Luna lurched backwards, staggering into Okumura before she regained her footing.

"We all thought you were taken! We thought the Vatican finally got to you! Oh my gods!" Mishi cried.

Luna wrapped her arms around the other woman, trying to soothe her.

"W-We had to have a substitute for you, and the kids were worried! Lu was so scared for you, and Ruby missed you so much! We all did!"

Guilt fluttered in Luna's chest, even though she knew nothing could have been done. She was lucky she woke up at all, nonetheless so early.

Luna looked over her shoulder to Okumura, who'd been complaining about something for the past few minutes. He looked rather uncomfortable.

"Mishi." Luna started, gently. "Mishi, I'm sorry. But we have a guest right now..." Luna trailed off as Mushi was very suddenly on her own feet, bowing to Okumura.

"Ahahaha! Sorry about that!" Mishi said nervously, smiling. "I'm Mishi Yuriko!"

"Uh- Rin Okumura."

"Wow, you're only a half demon but you're stronger than Luna! Are you going to join as a student?" Mishi asked, darting around Okumura to look him over. She tapped his little horns, ruffled his hair, peered at his fangs, then stopped and looked into his eyes.

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