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Luna blinked at his sudden departure, but shook her head. He'd come back when he was ready. She took a moment to look around, familiarizing herself with her home again. She'd missed this place, after being stuck in her own head for a few months. It was where she had started her school, simply fostering children on top of her job as an assistant at a dojo.

It was where she'd realized she could become a teacher, and her dream had first began to look like a reality.

Luna sighed, smiling faintly as she walked up the concrete path to her front porch. She'd always loved how her home looked like a little cottage on a hill. It had a cute little shingled roof, a small chimney rising out from the top, and two windows framing the front door. The entire facing was made of a very light colored wood, stained not painted, and the windows had little shutters over them. It never ceased to make her feel like she was living in a fairy tale.

Luna reached for the spare key she always stored in a dip above the front door, probing with her fingers and finding the spot empty.

Her own stupidity slapped her in the face like a freight train.

Luna groaned and leaned her forehead against the wooden wall beside her door, banging it against the grain repeatedly. She'd left the key with her assistant almost a year ago, and never replaced it, constantly telling herself that damning line; I'll do it tomorrow.

Luna was so absorbed in her moment of self loathing that she didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind her. Not until something gently tapped her on her shoulder. "Hey are you-"

Luna whirled, hands going to their shoulders as she simultaneously shoved them back and swept their legs from under them. They crashed down hard with a loud girlish scream, landing flat on their backs as Luna planted her left elbow in the center of their chest and held a knife to their neck.

"Move and you die." She whispered, going back to her usual habits of quietly deadly.

They whimpered, eyes huge, and she realized it was a teenage boy. After a shocked second of watching him, she realized he had some small aspects of a demon. He had little horns, a tail, and tiny fangs. Something about him was drawing her in.

Luna jumped away as if burned, right before he erupted into blue flames.

The kid leapt to his feet and snarled, holding a sword just barely out of his sheath. "What the hell lady! I was just trying to be nice!" He shouted, glaring at her.

"By not announcing yourself, and suddenly touching me. How nice of you." Luna retorted, shaking her head. The blue flames were drawing her closer too, and she hated it. Her body wanted to move closer, stand beside him. She realized it was a similar paternal feeling to what she felt about her students, something she found odd. Luna didn't generally feel protective over people until she was with them for a long time.

It was even stranger since the boy smelled of Yukio, the other child of Satan. This must be the younger brother.

"How did you not hear me walking up dumbass!? I wasn't trying to hide!" He shouted back, sheathing his sword.

Luna didn't answer, just narrowed her eyes and stared him down. "Very well, son of Satan. What do you want with me, a half demon teacher? Would you like a safe place to stay, or have you come to attempt to kill me because your brother failed?"

The boy blinked as if shocked, freezing in place and watching Luna with wide eyes. His mouth was even hanging open. "Hey! You're wearing clothes like that green haired dude who tried to kill me in the forest a week ago!" He suddenly shouted, pointing at her threateningly.

Luna blushed. Like, really blushed. Something she hadn't done in a long, long time. She looked down, suddenly unable to meet his eye as her face heated. The impact of what he actually said took a moment for Luna to comprehend, and she stiffened when it finally hit her.

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