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Amaimon finally calmed down about an hour after Luna fell asleep. He stood carefully and set her down in her own bed, covering her up. Then he left through the window. Once again, he jumped to Mephisto's office.

"Welcome little brother! You seem to be in a different mood than the usual. Do tell!" Mephisto exclaimed, spinning slowly in his chair so he could face Amaimon.

"She has predicted the Vatican will have her killed in six months. I don't want to let my entertainment be ended in such a short time." Amaimon said, voice in its normal emotionless pitch.

"Oh how interesting! I think I'll have to aid you in this endeavor." Mephisto said, leaning on his desk.

"So, what do you intend to do?"

"I want to make them think twice."


Luna was surprised to wake in her own bed the next morning. She thought Amaimon wouldn't ever let her go.

She sighed as she stretched, noticing she was still in her work clothes, minus the cloak. After her usual morning routine, she set out for Kahananui Academy for Troubled Children.

She arrived at her school almost two hours early, unlocking the doors and turning everything on. She checked on the janitors, greeting the old Japanese men and women with just as much cheer as they greeted her.

She walked through the eerily empty halls, re-sealing the various wards and spells around each classroom. She checked every teacher had their mail for the day stacked neatly in their box, opened the library, sprayed a little air freshener in the locker rooms.

She probably should have let her underlings do these little things, but the thought of never seeing the condition of the inside of her own school was not appealing. This was her building, and these were her kids, she would make them as comfortable as she could.

Luna was greeted at her office door by her assistant, Mishi.

"Hi boss lady! Wanna wake them up this time?" Mishi asked, chipper. Her round little face was exploding with excitement, for some strange reason. She liked mornings.

"Sure. Let's go." Luna replied, setting her papers down and following the happy woman to the dorms.

The two walked into the kitchen, where an adorable little half-demon man was just beginning preparations for breakfast. He smiled at Luna and Mishi, and the three exchanged an informal greeting before starting.

The three made a huge breakfast for the students in First Wave, enough to give the hundred occupants a full meal.

Dragged from their beds by the mouth watering scents of food, students slowly trickled in. They grouped together in their little groups at the lunch tables, and Luna helped pass out the food. They all knew she was the head of their school, but they treated her like a parent more than a teacher. And Luna willingly took on that role.

There was one human student in particular that always liked to-

"Oof!" Luna grunted as the little girl collided with her, giving the sweetest and most violent hug in existence.

"Miss K!" Lu exclaimed, smiling happily.

"Hi Lu! I hope you slept well." Luna said softly, patting the little girl's head.

My Human. {Amaimon X Oc}Where stories live. Discover now