A few words

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So I thought I'd just pre warn you for this story. It's going to be a little different from we've got used to reading. It's also little different from what I'm used to writing because it's third person.

As much as we all like to think that parenthood is this joyous and wonderful thing, and it is, don't get me wrong. I'm going to touch on the parts that nobody sees and you won't remember happening because you were too young.

It's a story about a young mother so expect a birth scene. I'm not going to drag it out, I'm not going to go into gory details, but it is going to be there. So pre warning you for that.

It's not going to be all rainbows and sun shine and cute moments all the way through. I'm going to touch on a few more sensitive topics within early parenthood such as recovery, baby blues, postnatal depression. Just generally coping with exhaustion looking after a tiny human.

I am going to ask that you be mindful when you comment because this character is me. She's going to be a fictional representation of what I went through so when you comment saying 'why did you do that' or 'she shouldn't have done that' I am going to take it personally.

With all that being said, I really hope you enjoy my perspective on this and I hope that it does open your eyes a little bit more to the world to single mothers. I can only give you series of events according to my experience but hopefully you get the general gist.

I would encourage you, if you can, to help out any local women's shelters or baby groups even if you don't have a child. Just donating your old clothes can make a HUGE difference.

If you have any siblings that are very young, even if they like 7/8 year old  donate their old stuff to women's shelters and play groups too. If you find cheap baby toys in charity shop or what ever, take them into places like that because a lot of them are not government funded and they don't help they so desperately need.

That is all from me. I hope you enjoy this.

Am x

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