Chapter 3 - Green Olives

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5th November 2013 - 9 weeks

Bonfire night.

Jordan had been asked to attend a fireworks display with her parents and usually she would be first in line at the bar. Not tonight. She would have to try and come up with a reason as to why she wouldnt be which was actually easier said than done.

It was set to be a chilly night which actually worked to Jordan advantage as it meant she could wear her big puffy coat. She would have wore it anyway but tonight she was in need of some coverage.

Over the last week or so Jordan had noticed some bloating in her stomach which was some of the signs she would be starting to notice a defined baby bump soon. Whilst the prospect of this was indeed terrifying to Jordan, she had found herself on multiple occaisions resting her hands over the growing bump and smiling down at her hands.

Her baby was now the size of a green olive.

At work this had caused multiple odd looks from customers who would smile at her and then go back to what they were doing. As for around her family, this wasn't able to happen because she had locked herslf in her room under the guise of not feeling well or being tired.

She was sure her mother had worked it out because mothers always know but if she had Jordan was happy that she was waiting for Jordan to tell her before assuming anything. In fact, Louise, Jordans mother, had some very strong feelings about her situations.

She had noticed her change in behaviour, the slight glow that Jordan was currently sporting and she knew how Jordans body looked. She had raised her for 21 years so it was eay for her to put together the symptoms as well as everything else. She was going to be a grandmother.

As excited as Louise was, she wasn't going to to say anything to her daughter. She understood that she needed to process it on her own time. Being a young mother was no easy feat. Louise, of all people understood that, she was only 23 when she had Jordan so she knew the struggles all too well.

Just because she decided she wouldn't ask her directly about it, doesnt mean she wasn't going to give her a gentle shove onto the topic by swaying the conversation towards the topic.

Jordan had just reurned from her shift at the cafe with Susie and went into the living room where her parents where sat watching a film like they usually did on an afternoon. She took a seat next her mum and rested her head on her shoulder.

"What are you watching?" she asked her mother she could see it was an older film, one she hadn't seen before but she could recognise a few familiar faces.

"The Last Dragon. Your dads idea not mine. Are you going up for the fireworks tonight?" Louise thought it best to approach the subject gently. Jordan was completely oblivious to her mothers determination to turn the conversation onto her.

"Yeh, me and Jake are going upto the club with Noah and his mates." She had begun watching the film not realising she was absentmindedly stroking the her belly. An action that her mother had picked up on instantly.

"You got cramps or something Jordie?" She asked innocently. Of course the question was anything but. Jordans entire body froze and her eyes widended in panic. Lucky for her, she was facing away from her parents do they only noticed the rigidness of her. That didnt stop her from wishing they hadn't.

Jordan decided that maybe waiting a little longer wasn't the best decision. If her mother had asked her this it only confirmed Jordans thooughts thst her mother knew more than what she was letting on. Plus, it would be nice to have some support at her scan appointment in a few weeks.

"I guess you know then..." Jordans voice was shy and timid. A whisper in comparison to what she would normally sound like.

"Know what?" Her dad asked seemingly oblivious to the whole world as he usually was. The man was obsessed with 80's action films, 00's R n B and facebook.

"I am pregnant. 10 weeks ish. So yeh thats it." Jordan casted her eyes down towards the ring on her thumb that she was twiddling as a distraction from the reaction she thought was coming. What she didnt expect was to be swept into a bear hug by her dad.

He was grinning from ear to ear. He kissed the top of Jordans head and she relaxed into him before starting to cry into his chest. She was shocked by his reaction. Jordan had expected a whole speech about irresponsibility and recklessness but it didn't come.

When she separated from her dad, her mum was quick to wrap her into a hug and pull her to sit on the sofa with her. She soothed her by running her hands up and down her arms. "Do you know who the dad is?" Jordan just nodded as she tried to calm her breathing whilst still gently crying. "Have you told him?"

Jordan shook her head. Her mind was reeling with the conversation that was still to come, but she knew her mum would never judge her for anything despite her original fears. She pulled away from her mum to wipe her red puffy eyes. "Im gonna have my scan and then tell him. Im keeping it whether he wants in or not. Im not expecting anything at all from him to be honest."

Her mum was happy about this. She knew Jordan was strong enough and mature enough to handle this on her own. Louise also had reservations about the boy in question. She knew the type of people who Jordan tended to go out with when she wasn't with her normal friends group and she also expected very little from him.

Jordan felt like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders completely now her parents we aware. She ran up the stairs quickly stubbing her toe on the way up cauing her to grimace but laugh at her own stupidity. Her brother was near the top of the stairs and laughed at her before deciding to speak his mind.

"Noah will be gutted, he wants to sleep with you." There was humour in his voice but unfortunately Jordan knew exactly how serious he was. It was a running joke between them that had been there for the last 3 years. She was also glad he didnt say anything negative to her as well.

Clad in some thick leggings, long sleeve tee shirt and her puffy jacket her and Jacob walked over to the rugby club that was over the road from where they lived. They laughed and joked the whole walk over and when they arrived Jordan stood amongst a few members of the rugby team that her brother played for.

Stood in the middle of them Jordan felt tiny. Standing at a measly 5 foot 5 inches tall she looked 13 in comparison to their heights. The shortest of them being 5 foot 10 inches tall. It was even more daunting because they were all 18 years old an younger than her.

She had a wonderful night laughing and being young with everyone. Jordan even spent the fireworks display stood under Noahs arm. She had told him about the baby and even though she knew his feeelings for her, he respected her decision and was happy for them to be just friends. Even threatening to unfriend her if she didn't name the baby after him.


Hey, hope you like everything so far. Most of this book will have a time jump from chapter to chapter hence the dates at the beginning.

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I love you all endlesslyfor taking the time to read.

Am x

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