Chapter 4 - Lemon

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3rd December 2013 - 13 Weeks (1st Scan)

Today was a big day for Jordan. Not only was it the day she finally got to see her baby for the first time. She had also agreed to meet with the father of the baby too.

She had text him last week asking if they could meet today bitbahe hadn't specified why. Jordan was taken aback at his instant response amd enthusiasm towards seeing her.

There was no doubt in her mind when she assumed he has only responded like that because he thoight he was going to get kicky with her.

Despite the bile rising in her throat when she read his replies to her, she managed to stay composed enough to see the conversation through.

Jordans thoughts had wondered so far into her conversation that was to come that she hadnt heard her name being called to go and see the person who would be doing her ultrasound.

She was slighlty apprehensive about this appointment but over the past few weeks she had come to terms with her situation and all nerves associated with today were because she was excited.

Jordan was excited to see her baby, she wondered of she was going to be able to make out any distinct features. Would the baby have her nose and his lips? Would the baby inherit her dads jaw shape?

Her curiosity was peaked and she had butterflies fluttering throigh her stomach. She also had an intense need to use the toilet.

Normally, she would have relieved herself instantly but the appointment required her bladder to be full. Leaving her to be a little uncomfortable.

Jordan was completely baffled by the fact she needed a full bladder and when she asked her mother about the reasoning she found it really interesting.

Its to push the baby up and forward so the sonographer can see better. In lamens terms anyway.

She was also meeting her friends tomorrow so she could share the news. She had bought them all a little
T shirt saying 'Worlds best Auntie' which Jordan knew all three of them would absolutely adore. Her friends were supportive of everything they do whether its group or individually. Jordan knew there would be zero judgement from them.

Jordan sat down on the edge of the bed awaiting further instructions. She was looking around the room taking in all the information scattered along the walls. Her nervous blutterflys had pretty much dissipated now and were replaced with excitemnt.

"Is your partner coming?" The sonographer asked with a hint of judgement in her voice.

"No, he isn't."

The sonographer tutted and muttered something under her breath before speaking more clearly, "Im assuming this is your first child?"

"Yes, it is." Jordan felt uncomfortable with this sonographer. Everytime she asked a question there was judgement in her tone and he condescending looks were making her feel like a failure of a person. Something Jordan didn't consider herself earlier.

"What are you waiting for? Lay back so I can do this." Her tone was rude and abrasive and Jordan hated it but she wanted o see her baby so she kep quiet. She knew that not everyone would be as supportive and understanding of her predicament but te way this woman was treating her was something she didnt like.

Jordan found herself biting her lip to stifle its shaking and was willing herself not to cry. She had laid herself on the table and pulled her top a litte bit for the soographer to start the scan. "I'd explain whats happening but your too young to understand so just lay there and Ill show the screen at the end. You get 1 print free, any more and its a pound per photo."

"Okay, thank you." Jordan had remained quiet for the duration of the scan, trying not to anger the technician further. She had no idea what she did to begin with but she had a feeling that thi was just the begining of it all for her.

She had seen her scan at the end of the appointment and bought 2 more copies just in case. She had gathered up all her belongings faster than necessary and left swiftly after, wanting to get away from the woman. She practically ran towards the nearest toilets causing a few nurses to shout at her. She mumbled an incoherant apology but she knew it was pointless.

She slammed the toilet stall door closed and leant against it before starting to cry her eyes out and sobbing into hands. Jordan sat on the floor with her arms wrapped around her legs and her head on her knees. Her sobs barely muffled.

She heard a door open and tried to stop the noises escaping her but it was useless.

"Are you okay honey?" The voice asked.

Jordan rose to her feet and brushed herself off leaving the stall. Before she could even think about speaking the mysterious stranger wrapped her up in a hug and held her close. "Its okay darling. You're okay. I got you."

Jordan wasnt usually one for affection and especially from strangers but this act was so kind she couldn't help herself. "Im sorry, Im not usually like this."

"You're okay honey. I don't mind. Ihave a daughter the same age as you."

"Just been one of those days you know?" Jordan let out a humourless chuckle whilst taking the tissue out of the strangers hand to wipe her face. Her eyes were red and blotchy and her cheeks tinted red and wet from her tears.

"Well, seeing you baby for the first time is magical," the stranger noticed Jordans confused looks and carried on speaking, "Youre glowing honey. You look beautiful. You also dropped this." She handed over the ultrasound picture. "Your baby is beautiful, dont let anyone tell you anything else."

With that the stranger walked into a stall whilst Jordan called out a thank you and left the hospital to go and confront the father of her baby. A conversation she was not going to enjoy.

She knocked on his door 2 or 3 times and there was still no answer so she tried to ring him. It turns out he thought she was someone trying to sell something so he ignored her. Jordan walked into his house feeling a little shy but tried to hide it well.

"Are you wanting to go to my room or.. I'm not sure why youre here actually." he asked her. Although he said he was unsure Jordan could hear the under tones in his voice. He definitely thought he was going to get lucy today. The thought made her nauseous.

She plucked the picture out of the bag and passed it to him."Im pregnant and its yours." Jordan waited for a few seconds for sme kind of reaction butgot nothing. He just shrugged at her as if what she was saying wasn't a life altering event. "Do you want to be involved or not?" she snapped at him.

Jordans temper was starting to snap. She wasn't an angry person by nature but his non chalance was starting to irritate her a lot more than she had anticipated. Sheknew a lot of this was hormone induced but she still had every right to be liid at him. After all, it was him that insisted on not wearing a condom.

Jordan knew she should have insisted but in the moment she was too drunk to care about th consequence and too distracted by the feel of his hands on her to be bothered about something so trivial.

"Im 22 Jordan, does it look like I do?"

"Im 21 Ryan and I'll be raising this baby on my own. At least you didnt dissappoint me. Have a nice life. Goodbye."

With that Jordan left. She turnedher back and left. She was glad to be on her own. She wouldnt have to deal with him as well as a new born.

Now it was just her and her little lemon.


Hey, this is unedited but I wanted to get it out for you as its currently 1am for me. Ill come back and fix it when I've had some sleep.

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Am x

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