Chapter 17 - An Epilogue

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3 years later...

The last 3 years had been a complete whirlwind of emotions from Faith learning to walk and talk all through Jordan navigating single motherhood. Every sleepless night was worth the rosy cheeked toddlers sleepily saying 'love you mummy' before passing out like a light.

Jordan had found a small yet trusting circle of friends who gladly would go for coffee at 9am and then binge watch netflix with a bottle of wine only to pass out at 9pm. These were her people and she was so eternally grateful for them.

Faith's father had done as Jordan asked of him all those years ago. Not once had he tried to contact them. There had been a few times they'd passed in the street and she had waited with baited breath to see if anything would come of it but much to her dismay and her approval he had acted like she had not existed. A blessing really.

Today was a pinnacle moment for the young pair. It was the tots first day of nursery. The people who had formed her small army to help her were out in force all seeing the small girl off to next adventure. With her pigtails high and proud with the red ribbons securing them, the sassy girl stood in front of her mum, grandmother and grandfather with a cheesy grin on her face.

Jordan was happy that the meltdown over her school uniform had only been small but seeing her stand there was proof it had been for nothing. Her baby girl was all grown up. Tears came to her eyes as she tried to stop them from falling, which was only partially effective.

It would only be a 3 hour session but for Jordan she knew it would feel like days. This wasn't the first time she had been without her, in fact far from it. It was more because she would be leaving her with strangers. Or rather people who weren't related.
Arriving at school was a breeze and so was waiting to go in but once the doors opened Faith went to run right in but was wriggling in her mothers tight embrace. It was Jordan who didn't want her to go. "Mamma, too tight. Got to go." the little girl cried.Jordan released a huge breath before kissing her precious angel and letting her go.

Jordan was heartbroken that her only baby had run in without so much as a look back but was so proud of the fact that she had done that. She was an independent girl and she knew one day she was going to be a handful for being like that but she didn't care. It would make Jordan the happiest person ever if she raised a smart and head strong young lady.

After dropping Faith at school Jordan made her way to work. She was still working at the same small cafe but now she was the manager. Susie had to take a step back due to a recent hip replacement but she would still appear frightening the life out of her and making sure she was doing okay.

She had been on a few dates over the years but once they found out about Faith they suddenly found other places to be. Jordan wasn't bothered. The first few had stung and she went home to cry but after that she made it her opening line and gave them the option to leave within the first 5 minutes. There was a small fling when Faith was around 15 months but he wanted more than she could give because after all her little girl came first.

Here she was. 23, single, 3 year old daughter. She had bought her own house, car and was thriving. Ni man could compete with that but that also did not stop susie from meddling with her love affairs from the rocking chair she had taken to occupying in the corner of the cafe.

Today the cafe was a little busier than usual and the chatter suggested a pop star in the area which wasn't uncommon here but it seemed louder than usual indicating someone slightly more popular than usual.

The bell over the door chimed and the chatter got louder before everything around her turned into tunnel vision to the person in front of her.

"Just a black coffee please love." he asked her and it took Jordans brain a few seconds to compute what he'd asked for. She quickly made it and passed it over. The man had told her to keep the change and as he turned to leave Susie collared him and they shared a laugh before looking back to Jordan whose cheeks had taken a scarlet colour at her own fumbling. The man left and Susie passed her something.

"He said to call him whenever you want." she gleefully cheered. As nervous as Jordan was, something told her this was different. Maybe it was time to get back out there.


soooooo there it is. Complete. I know this is a bit rushed for an epilogue but i felt the chapters were becoming repetitive so I decided it's be best to do a big time jump and then finish it off here. What happens next is all up to you. Who does she meet? Who does faith become? Who does Jordan become? It's all open for you.

Thank you so much for working brought this and bearing with me. I have a few people I'd like to thank for supporting me. So Steffi, Ang and Izzy. You three have been the back bone for me over the past year and honestly I can't thank you enough. Without your support I wouldn't have been able to do this so thank you from the bottom of my heart 💕

To you my lovely readers, I hope you enjoyed this and your support means more than anything to me❤️

This is Amber signing off from Flying Solo🥰🥲//

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