Chapter 5 - Lemonade

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7th December 2013 - 13 Weeks 

They say when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade. After yesterday's mood dampening events excluding the nice stranger in the bathrooms, that's exactly what Jordan planned to do today when she saw her friends. 

Over the last few weeks Jordan had gotten more comfortable with telling everyone. At this point most of her family knew. Some close family friends knew as well. She had made sure her parents only told people she was comfortable with.

She was sporting a very small bump which could be mistaken for bloating if she wore something loose fitting but as she was breaking the news to her best friends, she had opted for something tight so she could show them.

She had told them all to meet her at 4pm under the presumption they would be having food afterwards which was a good plan on Jordans half because she was incredibly hungry today. She had been this way for a few days now and she wasn't hiding the fact she was enjoying the newfounded appetite.

She was sitting in a corner of the place they had agreed to meet whilst anxiously waiting for her friend's arrival. 

At exactly 4pm all 3 of the girls walked into the restaurant and spotted Jordan instantly.

It had been a few weeks since they had all sat down together for a night and that was mainly Jordans fault as she had turned them down nearly every time as she was uncomfortable in case they found out. 

All 4 girls cheered out a greeting of Hi's and hello's to each other before enveloping each other in hugs and cheek kisses. So far Jordan was able to hide her bump behind the cardigan she was wearing over the top of her very tight top.

They all took their seats and started discussing drink and food options. Just before they could finalise on something Jordan took the opportunity to show her friends what she had brought them. 

"Sooo, before you order anything. I have some news." She handed each of them a small gift bag. "Open these please." Jordan looked hopefully to her best friends who all shared a confused look. 

"Just open them" Jordan pleaded whilst rolling her eyes at her friends. She knew how much they all hated surprises. 

They all eagerly tore the tissue paper from the top of the bags and as collective gasps could be heard from Jordans 3 friends. 

Aliesha was the first to speak. "No fucking way, are you kidding me?" Jordan shook her head as her eyes began to water with overwhelming emotion.

"Is this for real like you're actually making this happen?" Jade had asked after finding the 'I have crazy god mums and I'm not afraid to use them' baby grows. Again, Jordan nodded into her hand whilst her building tears started to overflo and stream down her face. 

Tayla was the last to speak up after finding the scan photo at the bottom of the bag. "This is so fucking cute! I'm so happy for you!"

Jordan was completely overwhelmed from the support of her 3 friends. Not one of them had asked about the dad and that made her happy. She would tell them eventually but for now she was happy basking in the happiness her 3 friends were giving her. 

"Details, we need details. Due date, boy/girl, names, all the good stuff." Jade had started. Jordan was expecting this. Jade was always the planner, she knew she was already planning her baby shower in her head. Tayla had slapped her shoulder and told her to calm down which caused Jordan to giggle.

Jordan started to wipe at her eyes with her sleeve when Aliesha passed her a tissue, Jordan thanked her before divulging the information she knew they all wanted.

"Im due June 10th. Don't know if its a boy or a girl yet. I'll find out in January maybe. No name ideas yet either. I want to wait until I know the gender." Jordan completed her minin speech and drank a small sip of water. 

The group looked at each other with a knowing look before engulfing her in a huge hug. They had all stood up and crowded around her in the chair she was sitting in. The affection she was being shown was really messing with her hormones and so Jordan found herself crying even harder. 

Jade was the one who gave her a tissue and told her it was okay. She also asked if she had a bump yet which made Jordan grin like a cheshire cat as she had been waiting for that so she could show them the small bump she had going at the moment. 

She ushered the 3 girls to sit down and stood up removing her cardigan to reveal a very small but very present bump. Even Jordan was surprised at the shape of her in the top she had on. It was almost as if now she had told all of the important people in her life her body wasn't trying to hide it anymore. 

All 3 of them had made sure to feel her stomach like they were going to feel something and so when Jordan told them they wouldn't they were all a little disappointed.

So, in a small cafe on a dreary, rainy evening on a random Saturday at the beginning of December. Jordan was finally comfortable enough to admit to anyone that she was indeed pregnant and very much ready to get on with the rest of her life. 

The evening was full of laughs and jokes and making plans for the future together. The girls had made sure Jordan understood that no matter how much she refused their help, like they knew she would, she would always have their support.

They had actually made Jordan cry for like the 5th time of the night when they told her the first week after she had the baby that they would all be stopping at her house with her to help her out so she could sleep and recover. 

Even going as far as to temporarily book the days off of work.

Jordan was sure Aliesha had only offered this because she was desperate to have her own baby but wasn't in the right place of her own life to have one. Regardless of that Jordan was very appreciative of the gestures of her best friends. 

After the group had all stuffed their faces with some delicious food, plenty of drinks, water for Jordan, and some chocolate ice cream, they all decided to go for a small walk. They were all enjoying the stroll through the park nearby. Tayla was holding onto Jordans arm because she was cold as she always is and currently Jordan was pretty much a sauna.

It was something Jordan didn't like about her pregnancy. She always ran hot. Jordan hated being too hot. 

"What did the guy say when you told him?" Tayla had asked her, causing her to sigh heavily and roll her eyes at the thought of Ryan's reaction.

"He wants nothing to do with either of us so I told him to have a nice life without us." Jordan casted her eyes down to the floor and jolted in her place when Tayla made her look at her.

"Okay, firstly say the word and he's gone. They'll never find the body. Jus' let me know where he lives and the fuckers dead. Secondly, Im proud of you. You're ready for this and even if you ain't you got us. Always. Okay?"

Despite the fact that neither Jordan or Tayla were particularly physically affectionate, the small hug they shared conveyed every emotion they were both feeling in that moment. Jordan had her support and now she was ready.

Ready for the future and everything that came with it.


This chapter is dedicated to 3 of the nicest people I have ever met and if I had the choice, they would be who I turn to.

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