Chapter 7 - Carrots

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**TW: Mentions of Abortion**

28th January 2014 - 21 Weeks

Time seemed to be flying through this pregnancy for Jordan. She was already half way through. 21 weeks pregnant. 19 weeks to go. It was all a little bit surreal for her.

Jordan had a very busy day planned today. She had booked the day off of work. She had to be at the Doctors at 9am for a Whooping Cough vaccine. It wouldn’t take her long to get it over and done with.                                       

It took 30 seconds for the injection which then gave her time to go and get some lunch for herself. She was in the queue at the supermarket so she could pay for the little bits of food she was grabbing when her phone started buzzing in her hand. 

It was a message from Ryan. She thought it was odd but shrugged it off and chose to read the message when she was sitting in her car. 

She had just sat down in the driver's seat when her phone began to buzz again. She muttered a few curses to herself under her breath at the person's inability to wait. When Jordan saw it was Ryan ringing her instead of waiting for a reply she rolled her eyes to herself.

"Ryan, I was just about to read your text. You couldn't wait a few more minutes?" Jordan didn't want to talk to him but a small part of her was hoping he would come around to the idea of a baby.

"So you were ignoring me? Whatever. I called because I want you to get an abortion. I don't want a baby and I don't want you to have mine either." 

All Jordan could see was red. The audacity of this boy had to even consider asking this. She turned on the screen recorder so she could record the call for her own sake. Jordan asked him to repeat that so she had it to keep and he happily obliged. 

Jordan coughed and composed herself knowing that she was also recording her response so if anything came of this conversation she had covered her own back as well. Jordans hands were shaking with rage.

"Here's what's going to happen Ryan," She spat his name with so much venom she was sure he had recoiled from his phone. "I will not be getting an abortion just because you don't want this to happen. I am keeping this baby and he will mean more to me than anyone ever has in my life. If you didn't want a kid you should have thought of that before you successfully had sex with me without using a condom. The fact of the matter is, I will be having this baby, whether you help me or not, I will be having it. So when I hang up, never call me again. Ever. And, just for your information, I'll leave your name off of the birth certificate and I'll never speak a word about who you are to the child because nobody needs anybody that toxic or that much of a pathetic little cunt in their life. Good riddance."

Jordan hung up the phone panting from the forcefulness of her words mixed with the lump in her throat caused by the conversation. Her eyes were stinging with her willingness to hold back her tears. Crying over a pathetic boy was not a road she was wanting to travel down. 

She shook her head at her own hormonal effects and had a little laugh before turning the radio on to eat her dinner. 

As she was driving away to go to her first house viewing, a song she hadn't heard in a few years came on the radio and she instantly turned the radio up and started screaming along with the words.

'Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, you don't know, oh oh, that’s what makes you beautiful.'

Jordan loved the cheesy boy band pop song but it always cheered up and made her feel better so she ignored all the judgy looks she got from being a fan of the band as a 21 year old female.

Her house viewing went smoothly, she wasn't totally happy with what she saw but after talking to the estate agents she felt somewhat better. She had picked her favourite of the two to keep in mind. For now she wasn't saying yes to anything until she had made up her mind on what she wanted.

Jordan arrived at the hospital 15 minutes before her appointment just like she was supposed to. Like the first  time Jordan had made sure her bladder was full. Only this time it was slightly more uncomfortable as her baby was also pressing on her bladder.

Jordan wasn't as nervous as last time. She was more excited at the prospect of finding out the gender of her baby. She had a gut feeling that she was having a boy. Everything she had read and the old wives tale tricks had all pointed to a boy but the scan would tell her for definite.

She shared a pleasant greeting with the woman doing her scan. It was a different person to last time. Jordans mother had made sure she put a complaint in about her and the way she was treated by her. This sonographer was much more polite and younger. 

The sonographer spoke to Jordan whilst she moved the doppler over her stomach and explained what she was looking for. Measuring the length of the fetus, the circumference of its head. 

"Do you want to know the sex of the baby today?" She asked Jordan who nodded excitedly at her question grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay. So you know the only way to truly know is to give birth and what we tell you could be wrong. Do you understand?" she asked and Jordan nodded and muttered a yes. "We have to ask because people have sued us for not getting it right." The sonographer let out a soft laugh.

The sonographer moved the probe around a little bit but sighed and told Jordan that the baby didn't want to show her what she is and that her bladder was so full it was pressing the baby's legs together.

"I can get him to move if you need?" Jordan asked and then realised what she said, "I've been saying him because I don't like 'it' and I have a feeling it's a boy." She explained to which the sonographer smiled at her for.

"Sure. Do your thing mama." Jordan stood up and started to walk around for a few seconds and then she felt the baby move a little and kick her rib so she sat back down with a content sigh.

Jordan had been feeling movements for a couple of weeks and had instantly learned what the baby did and didn't like. One thing the baby definitely liked was her moving around a lot. That was when she got to see the most reactions. 

Her little carrot also loved the sounds of her friends' voices and loved to dance and wriggle when Jordan spent time with them. Jordan was convinced that the baby was going to love her friends more than her but strangely she was okay with it because she loved them just as much. 

"Ah, much better. You've got this baby sussed out already. You're gonna be amazing." Jordan blushed at the compliment and muttered a thank you. She still wasn't used to hearing that. From anyone really but it was something she was working on.

"Okay, from what I can see it's a..."


Im sorry I had too. I couldn't help my self with the song choice. Sorry about the cliff hanger too.

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