Chapter 13 - Yardlong Beans

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***This is short and to the point and slightly graphic but, we're having a baby. I'm incredibly vulnerable writing this. I was going to use my 4 year old sons birth story as inspiration but I dint remember much if it because of the medication however, I remember my entire labour for my Sam that I lost so this is a watered down version of my own life experience. ❤️***

3rd June 2014 - 39 Weeks

Waking in the middle of the night was nothing unusual for Jordan. Constantly waking to use the bathroom or to clean that cupboard that she had organised 4 days ago.

Tonight would not be the normal though. Over the last few days Jordan had been suffering with mild backache and some relatively painless but annoying cramps which she had put down to Braxton Hicks because she was 39 weeks; it's too early for labour.

As she climbed out of bed looking like a newborn giraffe figuring out how to walk for the first time, a common issue for the last 6 weeks due to the size of her baby bump, she felt a gush of water on her legs. 

Jordan assumed it was pee. Unfortunately a common side effect of pregnancy but the sharp sting of pain that followed was a clear indication, it wasn't that.

Her stomach went rock solid for what felt like 5 minutes to her but was actually only maybe 15 seconds before the pain subsided. It was only as another wave of pain came on stronger than the last did she realise what was happening. 

She was in labour.

It was time, she phoned her local hospital who advised her to come in but as this was her first baby not to rush as she most likely had quite a while to go.

Her options were limited on how to get to hospital as it was 1am and everyone who would possibly be available to drive her there would most likely be asleep.

Months of meticulous planning of options for lifts because the last thing she needed was to drive in between contractions and then pay extortionately for hospital parking, for her to forget that people need to sleep.

Opting for the safest option, she rang her brother. He would be awake and lucky for her,he had bought a car last week. 

“Why are you ringing at 1am?” he had asked her, almost sounding annoyed.

“Um, yeh. 2 seconds,” another contraction rolled through which she was able to breathe through, despite how much it hurt, “I need you to drive me to hospital, this baby ain't waiting. please.” Less than 30 minutes later she was being escorted to a labour room in order to ready herself for delivery.

It wasn't long for her to be settled and as comfy as one can be in labour. She was hooked up to machines which were monitoring her baby's heartbeat which looked steady to Jordan.

Her contractions were starting to become a lot more painful and so she had buzzed a midwife in order to get some pain relief. However, after asking someone it became apparent a couple hours later she wasn't getting any.

When her assigned midwife returned for a round of checks, Jordan asked for pain relief yet again. Her midwife was clearly angered with the lack of interest in her patient and so left the room.

Just as Jordan thought she was going to have to buzz again for pain relief, the door to her room opened and her midwife was back. Closely followed by her mum who she had completely forgotten to call. She made a mental note to thank her brother tomorrow. 

Having received an injection that gave her the feeling of pure bliss and serenity she couldn't feel the contractions any longer, the occasional strong one hurt but she was able to breathe through it.

Another hour passed and Jordan felt this intense need to push, and that freaked her out a little. Her mum called the midwife and true to feeling, her body was ready. 

After 20 minutes of pushing, multiple rounds of encouragement, many exclamations of ‘I can't do this’ and her mum's broken finger later, Jordan held the most precious thing she had ever had the privilege of holding in her arms. 

The drugs wore off almost instantly. coincidentally, the second her baby was placed on her naked chest. 

After a few more checks and pushing the placenta, Jordan was left alone with her mum and baby. A beautiful little girl. Blue eyes to die for, a tiny button nose and the cutest pout of cherry red lips, she was perfect.

“What's her name?” Jordans mum asked whilst rooting through a bag looking for a specific vest Jordan had asked for.

“Faith. She's called Faith Elizabeth.” Her eyes welled with emotion. “Your dad really missed out baby girl. Screw him. We’ll be just fine won't we princess?”

A few hours later Jordan had senta blanket text to everyone who needed to be informed of her daughter's safe arrival into the world. Including Faith's dad.

‘Faith Elizabeth, born 3rd June weighing 6 pound 9 ounces at 6.09am’ attached with a photo of her.

The messages started rolling in with many congratulations. I'm sure you can imagine who didn't say anything and this upset Jordan greatly but she was too entranced by her daughter to give a shit.

She had everything she ever wanted in her arms and was ready to take on the world with her.

**A/N: phew we made it.  That was hard, I'm not going to lie, however, I did it. Thank-you for being g patient with me❤**

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