Releasing The Frustration

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Y/n P.o.v

We were on a retreat of sorts for us to train and prepare for the Rating Game. I take it back. For them to train and prepare for the Rating Game.


Grayfia: "I wish for you to lower your expectations." I looked at her with a confused expression. "Only members of a peerage can be in the Rating Game. Since you're not part of Lady Gremory's peerage, you cannot join the game. And since you claim to be an ordinary human, you may as well get accustomed of not being in one."

Y/n: "Since I'm not a Devil, I can't be in one." She nodded.

Grayfia: "In smaller words, correct." I clenched my fists, not wanting to accept this terms.

End Flashback

This retreat will take ten days, so they'll have enough time to train and be able to fight against Riser. Also, I still don't know how mother was alright for me to come here with them. She even insisted on me to come so I can help them train. As if my helping would change anything.

Anyways, I was looking at Issei and Kiba started their training in sword fighting with wooden swords. Issei was reckless with his attacks which made Kiba counter and took away his sword.

Kiba: "Again." Issei picked up the sword again and attacked. Once again, Issei was reckless and was defeated.

Issei: "More!" He picked up his sword and attacked again with more precision, but was kicked away.

I put my fingers on my eyes and scratched them. I sighed in frustration because he wasn't being careful with his attacks. I put my hands in my pockets and walked away. Kala caught up to me and was walking beside me.

Kala: "Everything alright?" I looked forward and kept on hearing Issei getting his ass kicked by Kiba.

Y/n: "Yeah."

Rias P.o.v

I was looking at Y/n who just walked off while Kalawarner followed. I understood his frustration.

Asia: "Will he be alright?" I nodded and looked back at Issei who was trying his hardest to beat Kiba.

Rias: "He's just frustrated."

Asia: "Is it because he can't be part of the Rating Game?" Once again, I nodded.

Rias: "Yes."

Akeno: "Not gonna lie, for a second, I thought he would've join the peerage."

Koneko: "But he is stubborn." I had to agree with all those statements.

He seemed so eager to fight Riser that I even thought he would ask me to make him one of us. But instead, he just clenched his fists and stayed quiet. I leaned my head back and looked at the sky, wanting to know why.

Why can't he? He surely has the willpower to fight, has helped me multiple times, even almost sacrificed himself for the sake of Issei and Asia. What was holding him back?

I have faith on Issei, and I know he can become stronger. However, with this time limit that we have, he won't be strong enough to defeat Riser. I looked back at Y/n who just entered the house.

I may sound that this is beneficial for me and selfish, but I need him. I need him. I want him. He may be my only hope.


Y/n P.o.v

I was in my room with my phone on my ear with mother on the line.

Mother: *So, how is everything going?*

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