How I Came To Be...

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Y/n P.o.v

Gasper: "NOOOOOOO!!!" He was being chased around by Xenovia with her sword outside of the ORC building. I really did not like this at all.

Y/n: "This is a bad idea."

Issei: "It's working, isn't it?"

Y/n: "Just because it's working doesn't mean that it's a good idea."

Koneko: "I'm still wondering how on Earth you were someone like Gasper." I went through my pocket and pulled out a giant chocolate bar.

Y/n: "Forgot about this." I offered it to her. "Forget that I've ever been like that, and I'll bring another one tomorrow." She swiftly took it and started on munching on it. 

Koneko: "Deal."

Issei: "You just bribed her! Well, I'm not forgetting about it so-" I went to his ear and whispered something. His face got all dreamy, and drool came down his mouth. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Asia got more shocked. 

Asia: "H-How did you manage to get Issei to agree?"

Y/n: "You live with Issei, right? I'm sure you can imagine what I've offered him." Her cheeks became red.

Xenovia stopped and lectured him about a healthy body in a healthy mind. Suddenly, Koneko appeared beside him while holding some garlics for him to eat. Gasper didn't like that and started running while Koneko walked at his running pace with garlic on hand and chocolate in mouth. Then, Yoshi came by. He was so surprised about seeing a cute girl, until Issei dropped the bomb that it was a guy. Yoshi felt forsaken, just like Issei.

Azazel: "Well, don't tell the the households of the Devil Kings gathered here to play?" Everyone turned to look at him coming from the tall bushes. He greeted Issei. The latter got out his gauntlet. Everybody else got ready to fight him. Me and Kala were just standing there, chilling because he wouldn't do anything to start a fight. 

Y/n: "Ya'll can calm down. He ain't gonna start a fight. Especially since the summit is in play."

Azazel: "Smart as always, Y/n. I'm guessing that you know the truth about yourself."

Y/n: "Part of it. Are you going to tell me the rest of it?" He shook his head.

Azazel: "Not my place."

Issei: "You know him?"

Azazel: "Y/n and I had a little chat a few nights ago. It was pleasant. You still owe me a drink."

Y/n: "I owe you shit."

Azazel: "It's rude to not drink a cup of tea that was offered. But, we'll eventually get there." I scoffed.

Y/n: "In your dreams, Azazel." I made my sword appear, and his eyes widened.

Azazel: "Aaaaah. The Holy Devil Sword in person. Magnificent. Never expected it to be you to be the one of such creation. Then again, you are more than you are."

Y/n: "It's the Devil Holy Sword. It was given to me by the creator. Luckily, he isn't here. Besides, you already know who created it."

Azazel: "Yes, I did. However, given the circumstances, your powers have grown just by the touch of it. May I see it?" I walked to him.

Issei: "Dude, what are you doing!?" I ignored him and offered it to Azazel. He took it and looked at it.

Azazel: "Hmm. Truly fascinating. Holy and Devil powers combined as one." He kept rotating it. "Not a fancy sword. It's more like a beginners standard form." He looked at me. "A sword reformed by the personality of the user. Suits you well." He gave it back to me. "I'm sure once you learn who you are, it will reform to a sword that suits you."

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