Afterschool Fights Part 1

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Y/n P.o.v

After the small argument with Rias, she gave a small speech about not letting anybody die in this battle, that she was counting on Issei, and that she wants to win this so we can keep going to school. Akeno was giving me a look during that. It was a look of admiration or sexual or something. It kinda felt uncomfortable. At the end of the speech, Rias turned to me with a concerned yet determined look.

Rias: "You have a choice in the matter, Y/n." I tilted my head in confusion. "You can come and fight with us against Kokabiel, or you can stay back with Sona and help her with the barrier." I scoffed.

Y/n: "You, pushing me away to not fight for your convenience? That's a first." She opened her mouth to say something, but I continued. "Listen, I'm not doing this for you. I want to kick that pigeon's ass as much as you do. And if Freed is behind this, the more reason to do so." She nodded. "They hurt Rina, and we don't know what happened to Kiba and Novia. So, I'm going to fight." She smiled with a determined look just like the others.

Rias: "Then, shall we?" I nodded and clashed my fist together.

Y/n: "Let's." We headed outside of the building to see some sort of golden spiral in the middle of the school. "The hell is that?"

???: "It seems like the four Excaliburs have been made into one. That is so Valper." A rough male voice came from above us. I turned and saw a small throne like chair on top of a pedestal like ground floating in the air, and on that throne was the Fallen Angel, Kokabiel with long black hair and black attire. "So, is Big Brother coming yet? Or is it Serafall instead?"

Rias: "At this moment, the only opponents you'll be facing is us. That is all that matters."

Kokabiel snapped his fingers, and a Light Spear appeared. Then, he threw it to a building. Seconds later, the gym exploded, sending a massive gust of wind towards us. We stumbled back. Looking up, the massive yellow Light Spear with three purple rings surrounding the shaft. Then, it disappeared.

Y/n: "That's a nice trick!" I stood up and looked at Kokabiel. "Have you been practicing for the Olympics?" His attention turned to me. His head was slightly tilted to the side.

Kokabiel: "Oh? And who might you be?" I lifted my hand in greeting.

Y/n: "Hi, I'm Y/n."

Issei: "Did he just say 'Hi, I'm Y/n'?"

Y/n: "And I'll be the one that will take your wings and make me some fried chicken wings."

Kokabiel: "Hmm?" He said with a smile. "You seem to have an interesting taste of company, Gremory. Having a human fight for you. A strong one, at that." My eyes widened. He knew I was a human, and without assuming I was a Devil. "And since you've brought a little pet," my eyebrow twitched dangerously, and a couple of veins popped, "I'm going to bring out mine." A light came from underneath him and went to the ground. A column of flames burst, and from it came out Cerberus. But not just one, a couple of them.

Y/n: "Awww! You brought puppies!!!" I was fawning over them. "Can I keep one!?"

Rias: "Y/n, they are forbidden to be brought here, so we have to send them back!" I looked at her with puppy eyes. "Akeno, Koneko." Both of them agreed and went straight to fight them. I pouted at that.

Asia: "How are we going to send something like that back?"

Y/n: "Those aren't the real thing." She turned to me. "Those are descendants of the real Cerberus. If the real one was here, we might as well call this place the Underworld." I took out my pistols.

I leaned forward and dashed to one while firing a couple of bullets to it. It looked at me, and the middle head went to bite me. I jumped over it, shot two bullets to the other head before they bit me, then shot a couple of rounds to the middle one over its head. The bullets didn't pierce, but the impact was on it was a little dull. I landed on its back. Suddenly, it started to jump and move side to side like a bull would do with a rider on top. I held myself as tight as I could by grabbing its fur.

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