Chapter 0 : Prologue

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story is inspired by the ever after high x twisted wonderland headcanons book by MegaLectrice


Raven ran as far as her heeled feet could take her. Today was the day before Legacy Day and she absolutely refused to sign the Storybook of Legends. A book that would decide HER destiny for HER. To be a villain and hurt her friends like her mother had done.

She slowed her running as she felt that she was far enough from the school. She felt her mirror phone buzz in her handbag and took it out. Maddie asking if she was okay, Apple freaking out at her, Briar worried for Apple. The works. Raven sighed and closed her phone, sitting on a lone tree stump. She caught her breath and covered her face with her hands. She didn't wanna go back there, she didn't wanna hurt others. She just wanted to be Raven.

Ah... My beloved...

Raven shot up in fear, whipping her head around, looking for the source of the voice.

The noble and beautiful flower of evil...

Raven shivered, she was no villain! "W-who's there?"

Ah, no, not evil... but still very beautiful...

The descendant of the Beautiful Queen?

Has this world finally let you escape from its grasp?

'The Beautiful Queen? Was that another title for the Evil Queen? What was this voice talking about?' Raven thought, confused.

I'm glad...

You are finally set free of the chains of destiny that bind you down.

Raven perked up. Free from the chains of destiny? Are they talking about her refusal to sign the book?

Suddenly, tiny lights, like fireflies appeared. Fluttering about, all going in one single direction. She looked in awe.

If you truly want to escape, I am willing to aid you

Please follow the path of the fireflies if you wish

Follow the fireflies? "Wait, will I get to meet you face to face?" Raven asked. There was a pause for a moment before the voice continued.

Of course, dark flower

The fireflies lead you to me so that I may free you

Raven stood, apprehensive for a moment. Should she really trust this voice? She doesn't even know who it belongs to... But, this was her only way of escaping Legacy Day. So, with a big breath to steel her nerves, she began following the path of light of the fireflies.

Raven walked for who knows how long, the fireflies twirling around her and leading her farther into the forest. Soon enough, though, she reached the end of the forest, where large, black thorns create a giant wall, blocking anyone from entering the dangerous mountain behind it. Raven paused for a moment, raising an eyebrow in confusion, before it turned to shock as the thorns began to move away for the fireflies, making an entrance.

I am through this gate of thorns, dear one

The voice was in here? How strange... Raven continued through the entrance along with the fireflies. The thorns closed behind her, and the cave was illuminated by the fireflies. 'There's no going back now... I'm sorry everyone...' Raven continued through the cave. The farther in she ventured, the more of these strange drawings on the cave's walls would appear. She recognized the figures of previous villains, such as the Evil Queen, the Queen of Hearts, God of the Underworld, and more.

t h e   q u e e n   (Twisted Wonderland x Ever After High)Where stories live. Discover now