Chapter 5.5 : One Week...

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It had been one week since Raven, Maddie and Cerise has all disappeared in the enchanted forest.

Ever After High was officially in a complete state of panic and worry. Not only for the missing trio of Rebels, but for themselves as well.

Apple loved Briar, really, she did, but her happily ever after was at stake here! She can't prolong the inevitable, soon she'll go 'poof' along with Raven and the other people of her story!

The young princess was in hysterics, frazzled as she attempted to keep her emotions at bay. She took to being less confrontational with her emotions as a whole and left it all at the door of her dorm room, and as soon as she got back, Apple would let out a scream that would make the most terrifying of banshees and phantoms tremble in fear.

Her happily ever after was on the line! She can't just sit by and watch the world crumble around her!

She needed the headmasters advice.


Briar and Blondie watched as Apple stormed to the headmasters office as gracefully as possible. They could tell she was still angry at it all.

Everyone parted away to let her through, sticking themselves to the wall in hopes that they have chameleon genes that would make them blend in.

She turned the corner and the clicking of her heels faded, and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief before scattering away to their next classes.

"I thought you said she was getting better!" Blondie whisper shouted, scared that Apple would turn the corner any minute, even though she wasn't there.

"She was doing good for a while, I guess that she's just gonna break soon." Briar replied worriedly.

She's been able to pacify Apple for a bit, but she doesn't think her efforts will be fruitful in the long run.

"We need someone to go search for Raven, Maddie and Cerise." Blondie pushed.

Blondie was trying so, so hard to keep her cool, even when Apple would attempt to emotionally tear her down via MirrorNet.

"Are you kidding!?" The two Royals turned to another fellow Royal holding a bouquet of roses with scissors in the other hand. Lizzie Hearts. "That enchanted forest has just become a cursed forest and you want us to go in there!? Not a chance in Wonderland!" She spoke in her naturally loud voice. Cutting the blooms of petals off their stems.

"Uh, Yeah. As much as I'm worried about them, I don't think it's such a good idea. I think we should just let the Headmaster handle this." Briar agreed, making Blondie frown deeply.

The rest of the walk to Crownculus was silent.


"Nothing... Nothing... Nothing! Argh!" Apple growled as she shifted through the books of the forbidden library.

Milton Grimm snarled as he looked through scrolls and novels in hopes of finding a lead.

"Anything, Headmaster?" Apple asked hopefully. Headmaster Grimm shook his head.

"No, wherever they are, they are extremely well hidden." He stated calmly.

Apple screamed, hands pulling her hair in frustration. Milton rushed over to her and removed her hands.

"Now, now Apple. No need for that. We need to be patient and keep searching." The Headmaster scolded lightly.

Apple took a deep breath and nodded, her eyes shifting back to the bookshelf.

At the very back of the shelf, she noticed a small glimmer of light and reached in, her hand wrapping around the spine of a thick, dusty book.

She pulled it out curiously and stared at it, the gleam coming brim a jet black stone on the top of the spine. She dusted the cover off as stated at the title, written in pretty cursive writing.

Twisted Wonderland


That was it.

That was the breaking point.

Blondie cried as she ran for the enchanted forest, victim of more of Apples cyber bullying.

She was done with this.

All of it.

As much as she wanted her happily ever after, Apple was just too much to handle.

Being called worthless.

Saying she wasn't deemed a Royal because her mother was simply a mayor.

Calling her mean things that broke her heart and self-esteem.

"Dear girl, do not worry. Soon, you won't be victim to that anymore."

As Blondie ran, she felt as though she was being pulled somewhere, but the feeling faded as she came across a large wall of bramble and thorns that blocked the enchanted forest from the forbidden forest.

"Come, and I will make all of your pain and suffering wash away. And you will be happy with your new friends."

The bush moved and revealed a cave.

Blondie hesitantly walked in.

"Raven, Maddie, Cerise. They all came through here and have found new purpose. And soon, in due time, you will too."

Blondie gasped as she came to the clearing with a magic mirror, an hand in the reflection.

She began to back away, but...

Everything went black.

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