Chapter 8 : What???

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When Cerise had gone for track and field training with Jack earlier in the morning, she certainly wasn't expecting to come face to face with both Briar and Lizzie.

And now here the two royals are, smothering Blondie with hugs and chattering about how they're so glad that everyone is alright.

"Blondie told me everything." Briar began. "I was hoping to sneak out so I could come help, and Lizzie decided to tag along." She explained.

"I'm glad you two are here, now we can finally break the spell and help our world." Raven said, somewhat failing to hide her excitement

"Oh yeah, the spell." Lizzie replied. "Raven, Kitty told me something." Lizzie detached herself from Blondie to fully face her. "She told me that, while she was spying on Apple, she saw her and Headmaster Grim take out a book named 'Twisted Wonderland'."

Raven's brows furrowed in confusion. "A book?" Lizzie nodded. "Huh, that's weird. Where was it?"

"It was in the secret library." Lizzie answered.

"That must mean that there's something more going on here. Why would there be a book there if it wasn't important?" Cerise pointed out.

Maddie gasped excitedly. "Ooh! A mystery!" Maddie cheered, clapping her hands.

Raven playfully rolled her eyes. "A weird one at that, I never knew that Twisted Wonderland existed until I showed up here, and for there to be a book on it back at EAH..."

"Something bigger is at play." Cerise finished off. Raven nodded.

"Agreed. I don't know for sure, but perhaps Headmaster Grimm already knew of this place? It would make sense, considering the book." Lizzie theorized.

"Well, I don't wanna focus on that right now. I just want to get back to my dorm and relax." Blondie let out a small yawn, stretching.

"Speaking of dorms!"

The girls all yelled out in surprise as Crowley kicked the door open, a grin on his face. "I assume we're in need of more sorting, Miss.Queen?"

A frazzled Raven could do nothing except nod at him.

"Wonderful! Please, follow me!"


Crowley skipped on calling the Dorm Leaders this time around at Raven's persistence, the young girl not wanting to bother anyone so late in the evening.

Lizzie was up first, and as they had expected, was quickly sorted into Heartslabyul.

"Yay! You're with me!" Maddie excitedly hugged the Princess, who only smiled awkwardly and pat her head.

"Your turn now Miss.Beauty." Crowley stepped aside to allow her through.

Briar stood nervously, the face in the mirror stared at her as if looking through her soul. After along minute of silence, it made its verdict.


Raven, Maddie, Cerise and Blondie all looked in shock, and probably Crowley too, but his mask obscured it.

"Diasomnia? Why do you guys look so shocked?" Briar asked, confused.

"Well, Diasomnia is for student who are really good with magic." Raven began. Maddie joined in with adding, "And is also based off of the Thorn Fairy!"

Raven watched with sympathy as Briar flinched. She looked back at the mirror. "Why Diasomnia for me? I'm not powerful with magic, and..." She trained off nervously.

The mirror hummed. "You'd think I didn't notice? How you have the blood of the Thorn Fairy coursing through your veins? It's a weak link, but it's there."

"EHHH!?" The girls all yelled in shock.

"I'm... a fairy??" Poor Briar looked like she was having an existential crisis. Blondie immediately went to hug her friend in a comfort hug.

"Well, this is certainly a turn of events." Crowley admitted. "But we can't keep dwelling in it here, you all need to rest up. Miss.Hatter, please escort Miss.Hearts to Heartslabyul."

"Yessir!" Maddie grabbed Lizzie by the wrist and excitedly dragged her off.

Crowley turned to Briar, who still looked confused, but also a bit better in the hug. "Miss.Locks, please follow me with Miss.Beauty." Blondie nodded.

"You two return to your dorms."

Raven and Cerise nodded.

What a sorting...


HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH there, I uploaded a chapter :/
I've been really uninspired with what I wanted to do, but I just decided to wing it honestly, see where this take us :)
Chapter 6 just finished, so this is gonna take place just after chapter 6 and before chapter 7
I'm also gonna try and make the chapters longer and switch up the format since my writing style changed a bit since I last update dhhshdhhdhshdh

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