Chapter 4 : Worried Sick

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Back in the world of Ever After High, the Good King could be found in his study, pacing back and forth on the carpet as thoughts raced in and out of his mind.

It had been almost 3 days since his daughter went missing, 1 day since Maddie had gone missing, and only mere hours since his wife had taken it upon herself to check up on Raven.

Everyone who roamed the castle could practically feel the kings worry, even if he was all the way on the other side of the palace.

He just hoped that Eve would come back with good news.


Eve did, in fact, have good news. She stood opposite of the headmaster in the mirror, conversing with him for the past half hour about her daughter.

She learned many things in that 30 minutes.

This school was a magic magic school founded by one of her ancestors, her daughter just so happened to stumble in on this world, and now the curse that keeps these two world series together could finally be broken.

"That Grimm... how dare he be so foolish and simply hurt my daughter when he knows what I can do." The Evil Queen growled, throughly angered by the actions of Milton.

"Yes, I agree. To simply segregate and hurt people deemed 'evil'... truly horrible." Crowley agreed, feeling a twinge of sadness.

"However, we cannot simply dwell on the past. Now that two students from the other world are here, I believe we can finally break that curse." Crowley states as he began pacing in thought.

Eve simply nodded in agreement. "Yes, I believe this would be the best course of action. I must return to my husband to tell him Raven is alright."

Crowley nodded and with that, The Evil Queens image dissipated, the mirror changing back to its normal state.

Crowley sighed tiredly, this has been a long few days.


Eve returned to the castle and appeared in the mirror of her husbands office.

"Darling, if you keep pacing like that you'll make a hole in the floor." The Good King turned and saw Eve and sighed in relief.

"Oh, Eve. Is Raven okay? Please, tell me she's—"

"She's Alright. She's currently enrolled in a magic school in another world called Twisted Wonderland, along with Madeline." Eve assured her husband, who finally stopped pacing and took to sitting in his desk chair.

"Oh, thank Godmother..." He adjusted his glasses and hummed.

"Eve, what do you mean by this 'Twisted Wonderland' place?" The Good King asked.

"Twisted Wonderland is apparently another world similar to our, minus the 'Destiny' part. She's enrolled in a school called Night Raven College and is under the care of the staff and her dorm mates." Eve explained. "I'm sure there's a book about it somewhere here in the forbidden section."

The Good King shot up. "The forbidden section!? But, Eve, even you haven't been there!"



The two stood in silence for another moment until the King sighed.

"Fine, I'll go into the forbidden section and see what I can find." He said, getting up.

"Good, I'll go see if I need to get anything else, if you find something, tell me." Eve stated, then disappeared.

Gerald let out a tired sigh.


"Oh my Seven, I can't believe I meant another ancestor to the Beautiful Queen." Vil whispered as he rushed around his room, fanboying his head off.

Raven let out an amused huff. "Yeah, you'll have to get used to her appearing in random mirrors now. She likes to scare people."

Vil just sighed and laid back into his bed, continuing his excited ranting.

Raven playfully rolled her eyes and looked back at the mirror, now only seeing her. She smiled, noting how she actually doesn't mind her reflection at that moment. Different makeup and new uniform, completely cut of from EAH... it felt good.


"You smell anything yet?"

"Woof!" The wold pup barked and ran forward, her caretaker not far behind.

"Ruff! Woof woof!" The pup barked as it slowed down, going back to her sniffing.

Cerise stared down at Carmine before analyzing the woods around her, brows furrowed with worry.

Carmine barked again and Cerise turned to see Carmine chasing a green light. Cerise tensed for a second before running after her.

The firefly disappeared and Carmine whined, Cerise caught up and picked Carmine up, ready to scold her when she noticed the large wall of thorns.

"Okay, not creepy at all..." Cerise muttered awkwardly.

She turned on on her heel, setting course for back to EAH.

"No, do not leave just yet."


"Okay... forbidden section, forbidden section... Aha! Here it is." Gerald found a rusted, golden trimmed book in the bookcase. He grabbed it and pulled on it like a lever.

The bookcase at the end of the aisle slid to the side to reveal a staircase, leading downwards. He went over and began his descent down.


"Who's there!?" Cerise yelled, masking her nervousness with fake bravery.

"There is no need to be scared, young one. I know who you search for, and I can be of some assistance."

"You know where Raven and Maddie are!?" Cerise's cried out in surprise.

"Yes, I do, I can help you be with them."

A patch of thorns moved away to reveal a pathway. Cerise held Carmine tighter and walked through the pathway.

Hopefully, Raven and Maddie are okay...


"Aha! 'The Tales of Twisted Wonderland'. It's here!" The Good Kind smiles widely.

"Finally." The Good Kind jumped.

"Goodness Eve, don't do that." He grumbled, Eve laughed.

"Sorry Gerald, I couldn't help myself." She said, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Why did you want this book in the first place?" Gerald asked.

"Because, it holds the history of Twisted Wonderland and its ties to our world. I intend on bringing it to the headmaster of Ravens new school so it can help with shattering the curse." Eve explained.

Gerald skimmed through the book quickly, nodding in understanding. "Alright then, here." He reached the book through the mirror, The Evil Queen grabbed it.

She smiled gratefully. "Thank you." She thanked, then disappeared again.

Gerald grumbled as he realized how many stairs he'd need to climb. "I need a nap..."



sorry for being gone for so long, I finally had some inspiration to start back with this book again!

I gave The Evil Queen and The Good King actual names since typing out their titles would be too repetitive and tiring

but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ^^

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