Chapter 1 : Raven's First Day

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I should probably clarify, this takes place after the Tyrant of Beauty chapters.


Raven stirred in bed, the sun shining in her face. She grumbled and turned around, ignoring the sunlight and wanting to sleep in. It was a good idea for about a minute when someone began knocking on the door. She grumbled again before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She tossed her blankets off of her and stood up and shuffled over to the door and opened it. Standing in the doorway was Rook, holding a basket.

"Ah! Reine du Noire, you're finally awake! Good morning." Rook said happily. "Morning..." Raven mumbled. "Sorry for waking you up so early, but Roi du Poison wanted me to drop off this basket of things for you." Rook handed Raven the basket, filled with shampoo, body wash, face masks, makeup, and tons of other stuff, which she assumed was from Vil. "Hm, thanks Rook. Tell Vil I said thanks too." Raven yawned and Rook nodded, walking away so Raven could get ready for the day.

Raven organized the things in the basket first. The stuff inside looked really high brand, it made Raven almost feel bad that he gave such expensive things. Raven shrugged it off, maybe he was just rich or famous and he could just afford it easily? Raven sighed.

As she was taking and organizing the things, she came across a face wash. Seemed really simple and easy to use, and if she could she would. But it was an apple face wash, she was allergic to apples. She simply just put it aside in a random spot.

Raven organized her things, had her shower, fixed her hair, put on her makeup and uniform, and put her accessories on. She had just finished putting her heels on and was about to open the door when another knock came. She opened the door and there stood Epel in his uniform, he fumbled with his hands.

"Ahm good, you're dressed. Vil wanted me to check on you, breakfast is already ready." Epel said, Raven smiled at him. "Alright, thanks for telling me." Epel smiled back and nodded, beginning to walk off. Raven closed her door and followed behind the purple haired boy.


Raven and Epel arrived in the lobby/dining hall of the dorm, Vil and Rook waiting for them eating their own breakfasts. "Prince du Pomme and Reine do Queen have arrived!" Rook said, Vil looked over and gave a half smile. "Raven, your headband is lopsided again." Vil smirked and Raven blushed lightly, embarrassed. She fixed her headband and looked over at Vil, who looked at her and gave a thumbs up, nodding.

Raven and Epel headed over to the food table where the breakfast food was. Raven took some eggs, bacon and lettuce and made it a sandwich, then grabbed a cup of lukewarm tea and put cream in it. She carefully walked back to make sure the tea didn't spill.

"So, Raven, you got the basket from Rook. Was everything in it to your liking?" Vil asked, Raven nodded. "Yeah, the shampoo worked really well and my makeup doesn't feel all grainy. There was... one problem." "What was it?" "The apple face wash... I'm allergic to apples, so I can't use it." The boys looked surprised, Vil took a deep breath and placed his hand on his chest, calming himself down. "Hm, I see. I can take it off your hands and give you a different one, is that okay?" He asked. "Yeah, that's fine." Raven smiled, Vil nodded.

Raven finished up her breakfast and placed her plate in one of the dishwashers, then scurried up stairs to get the bottle of face wash. Back downstairs, Rook and Vil began talking to each other, with Epel trying to hide his laughs. "So... Mr.'i'm just being a dorm leader, i'm not a parent', huh, Roi du Poison?" Rook teased, Vil covered his face with his hands, flustered.

Raven returned with the face wash and handed it to Vil. "Good, don't want you to accidentally use this and get a bad reaction. I'll give you the new face wash after school." Vil explained, Raven pursed her lips. "Umm, you don't have to give me a new one, I'll be fine without it." Vil shook his head. "Nonsense, how else would you get such a smooth face?" Vil got up and smooshed Epels cheeks. Epel grimaced and ripped Vils hands off his face. Raven giggled lightly. "Well Raven, what do you normally use for your face?" Vil asked. "Uh, I just splash my face with water, nothing much really." Raven explained and the three boys went silent. There was an awkward moment between the four when Rook finally spoke up. "Ah, as expected! Reine du Noire is so naturally beautiful, she doesn't even need face products!" Rook cheered. "Yeah, given she's the Beautiful Queens descendant, it makes sense." Epel said. They all look towards Vil, who's still in stunned silence.

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