Chapter 2 : Queen of the Mirror Prison

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Raven woke up with a feeling that something was wrong. She had her shower, got dressed, put on her makeup, and ate breakfast, all with the gut feeling that something bad was happening. Or, at least, was gonna happen.

Raven walked from class to class alongside Yuu, Grim, Ace and Deuce with that feeling. Taking down notes in Alchemy, giving Lucius head scritches in Magic History and training with Vargas in PE.

Raven poked at her lunch, lost in thought. Epel tapped her shoulder, and she turned to him in surprise. "Are you okay Raven?" He asked, worried. Raven gave a shrug. "Kinda, I guess. I just have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen." Raven mumbled, then finally began eating. "Ah, I'm sure it isn't anything bad, maybe you're just worried for your friends." Epel reasoned, Raven nodded slightly. "Yeah, maybe..."

Raven had promised Epel at breakfast that she would bring Epel to see Nevermore, and he got to see her. Raven could hear the surprised yells of others as she and Epel flew over them.

One of them just so happened to be yells of praise from Rook, and fear from Vil.

Vil was responsible for Raven as her dorm leader! And especially since she's the descendant of the Beautiful Queen, he was much more doting on her.

Here Vil is saying he isn't Raven's parent friend.

But here he is acting as Raven's parent friend.

"Raven, what you did was very dangerous! You could've gotten hurt. Especially you Epel, you've never rode a dragon before, it was especially dangerous for you." Vil scolded. Raven and Epel nodded, Rook laughed. "Roi du Poison was very worried for you two, he looked like he was about to faint!" Vil flushed. "I wasn't THAT worried." He yelped, Rook simply laughed more, Raven and Epel giggling alongside him.

"Ahem, well anyways. We should be getting back to the dorm now, we need to fix Raven's makeup." Vil walked up to her and squished her cheeks. "Her lipstick is smeared and her mascara looks like it's going to start dripping, come on." Vil released her face and grabbed her wrist, dragging her to the dorm mirrors. Rook and Epel following after them.

~meanwhile at ever after high~

Apple had gone through the day as she normally would, smiling at others and petting the birds that followed her as she sang in the halls. She looked like she was back to normal and Maddie smiled. She was glad that Briar seemed to have gotten through to her, and hopefully she wouldn't let out any more angry bursts of emotion throughout the day.

Oh she was wrong...

You see, ever since Raven had disappeared, Apple had been constantly at everyone's throats, yelling at them and telling them not to ruin HER happily ever after. One of the major groups that had been on Apple's rampage list was the Rebels, more specifically, Maddie, Cerise and Cedar.

And it seemed like Apple showed no signs of stopping.

You see, while Apple had stopped yelling and being mean to people in obvious ways (i.e yelling, screaming, throwing tantrums etc), she had been doing it in more subtle, passive aggressive ways. And Maddie had finally had enough.

As soon as her classes were finished for the day, Maddie had stalked into the forest Raven had disappeared into. She looked around, having Earl Grey talk to the rodents of the forest for directions, and it seemed like one of them had directions for where Raven had gone to. Maddie followed her dormouse through the forest and had finally stopped in front of the large wall of thorns surrounding the dangerous mountain. Earl Grey squeaked and pointed to the thornbushes. "Peas and crackers! She went through there?" Maddie asked worriedly, Earl Grey nodded.

"Well then, we need a way in there." She said, picking up her small mouse. She was about to leave to go find more answers when-

Young one, please do not turn away

You are looking for your friend, yes?

I believe I may be of some assistance

~back at night raven college~

Raven was sitting in Vil's vanity seat as he fixed her makeup. She needed to stop him from adding any extra things like glitter or more purple, so she told him to just settle for a more natural look, or a look that's as natural as you can get when Vil Schoenheit is doing your makeup.

Vil had finally finished and turned Raven around to look in the mirror. She noticed how her eyeshadow was much more purple and silver than just black, and there were some sparkles on her lips from the lip gloss, but other than that, it was pretty good.

She looked away to avoid looking at herself further. "Than's Vil." She said, Vil smiled and nodded. "Of course, it was no problem at all-" Vil was cut off as he looked at the mirror in shock. "Vil, what's wrong?"

"Raven, there you are! I've been looking all over for you, where have you been?" Raven turned to the mirror and saw. "Oh, hey mom." Raven awkwardly waved. "Really? Your father and I have been worried sick about you and all you have is, 'oh hi'? Really?" The Evil Queen scolded. "Sorry mom, uh, I'm kinda stuck here." Raven said, Evil Queen quirked an eyebrow. "And where exactly is here?" "Um, this place called Twisted Wonderland. This is my friend Vil, by the way." Raven pointed to Vil, the Evil Queen looked over. "Oh, new friend, I see. Well, nice to meet you Vil." She said, Vil nodded, still in quiet shock. "Anyways, now that I know where you are, I can tell your father about it so he wouldn't be worried. Is there someone here I can talk to about how you're settling in?" She asked. "Yes, I'm sure Headmaster Crowley is free at this time, you can talk to him." Vil explained, the Evil Queen looked at him, then nodded. "I see, thank you young man. Raven, I'm going to go and talk to this 'Headmaster Crowley' man and I'll tell your father about everything." Raven nodded. "Oh, and by the way, I have this weird feeling that someone travelled through a mirror, just thought I'd tell you." Raven and Vil looked at each other, confused, but then nodded.

"Good, I'll be going now, ta-tah~" The Evil Queen waved, a wide smile on her face. The mirror faded from dark prison back to Raven and Vil in Vil's room. "Well, that was interesting..." Vil muttered, Raven nodded in agreement. The silence was cut short when someone knocked on the door. "You can come in!" Vil said. The door opened and Rook entered. "Why do you look so frazzled Rook?" Vil inquired. "Well, Roi du Poison, I was just informed of another person who had somehow found her way here, much like Reine du Noire." Rook said, Raven lit up. "Really, who?" She asked, Rook shrugged and Raven deflated slightly, but brightened back up. She got up from her spot.

"Well, let's go see who it is!"

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