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She stood in front of the building staring at the doors in nervous anticipation. Anticipation of seeing the man she had fallen for so many years ago but never had the courage to tell him. Nervous because she knows if she's not careful, she won't be able to hide how she feels anymore. It would be detrimental if anyone found out. It would be considered a great weakness to fall in love with someone in this line of work. Love is a weakness that can be exploited.

She sucked in a deep breath before tipping the Uber driver and smoothing down her business skirt. Pushing through the front doors she walks into a small reception area where a desk sits off to the right. The walls are a dark blue with white trimming at the top, in the middle of the back wall a white looping design is stenciled onto the paint. A little redhead sitting at the desk taps away on the keyboard, her nails clicking and clacking as they dance over the keys.

Sarah makes her way over to the desk and is greeted with a welcoming surprise, "Darcy?" Darcy worked in the offices at the East division of the Criminal Investigations Unit. Sarah knew she was offered another job, but she hadn't known where.

The receptionist looks up to greet the new person standing in front of the desk, her eyes widen with realization and excitement.

"Sarah! What are you...? How...? Never mind." Jumping to her feet, she quickly made her way around the desk scooping Sarah into a hug, "What brings you across the country?"

Sarah broke the embrace to look at the woman she had grown quite close to back East, she smiled,

"Business, actually, I was sent out here to figure out why a certain case couldn't be solved. I came here to get a bit of help with a jurisdiction issue. I need someone to accompany me to a site until my credentials are received. Which I don't understand since we are supposed to be government officials, I should be able to work anywhere, correct?"

"Depends on the area around here, there's a few sketchy places that like to give FBI and CIU a hard time, but we eventually get in." Waving her hand dismissively, she walked across the room, "Alright, just follow me through to the filing room."

The two women walked through a locked door leading into a room filled, ceiling to floor, with book shelves and filing cabinets donning files and evidence boxes. Darcy walked to a specific book case, pulled on a certain book, and Sarah watched as the book case slid forward and to the side revealing a hidden stairwell. This bureau was part of a secret government division, meaning any and all things must be kept classified. Only a few of the government buildings around this area would even know it's here. This particular room is the main entrance into the offices. Only one or two others connect the government buildings with hidden hallways.

"How...are things?" Sarah asked hesitantly, hovering in the doorway.

Darcy smiled knowingly, "Things are just up the stairs, past the two offices, down the hall, and two doors on the left."

Sarah smiled nervously, she knew Darcy had picked up on her feelings for Scott long ago, but she never poked or prodded for more than just knowing they were there. Nodding her thanks, she stepped through into the hidden stairwell, watching as Darcy disappeared behind the sliding door.

Standing at the bottom of the stairwell staring up to the top, her nerves began to get the best of her. Second guessing herself, she turned around to leave, leave without anyone else noticing her so she didn't have to face him. If she left now the only person to have seen her would be Darcy and Sarah knew Darcy wouldn't say anything if she asked her not to.

She reached for the button to open the hidden door, but it slid open revealing a woman waiting to enter. She was holding a large brown bag with grease stains on the sides. Its contents smelled greasy; the food was from a burger joint. She smiled at Sarah as she stepped through the doorway.

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