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Sarah woke up in a cold sweat. Her heart was racing and her face wet with tears. Memories of the past were back, memories of her screwing up. She never should have strayed; she never should have left without Scott. She should have waited like he told her to, but since she didn't, she was captured and nearly raped. She almost ended up as one of those girls in that case file.

Seeing those eyes again woke the fear she had tried so hard to suppress. Agent Holden having an open case told her the man was never caught and he's out there doing it again. He's out there hurting women, traumatizing them for life, or even worse — killing them.

"You're awake," Kat entered the room, "How are you feeling?" She erased the whiteboard and wrote her name and the time in the corner where the nurses check-in.

Sarah forced a smile, there was no reason she needed to tell anyone about her flashbacks, "Better, thanks."

"Today we start physical therapy, but with how you're moving yourself around in that wheel chair, I'm thinking it'll go by quickly," she smiled while checking her vitals. After taking the blood pressure cuff off of her arm, Kat picked up her file and added a few notes, "You sure you're doing ok? Your blood pressure seems higher than usual."

"Fine. Just a dream."

"Well, in any case, we'll get that therapy set up and work on getting you out of here."

This pulled a genuine smile from Sarah, "Think I'll be out of here soon?"

"Sooner than you may think," Kat winked, patting her knee.

Sarah couldn't help but wonder about Scott. She was worried he would never be the same. Would he be able to walk? Would he even wake up? Her time in the coma was spent healing her wounds, his were more abrasive and severe. Did he heal ok? "What about Scott? How is he coming along?"

"As far as I know," her smile faltered, "there's no change. I'm sorry."

"What about his healing process? I noticed some of the visible wounds seemed to scar up like mine."

Reaching up to remove the empty saline bag and replace it with a full one, Kat kept her eyes focused on her task, "His wounds healed just like yours. His muscles, well, that's a different story. I'm sure you noticed his bicep."

Sarah nodded.

"Well, the muscle was so mangled, it looked like raw burger. There was no way of saving some of it. He'll have use of that arm, but he will look different now."

"I don't care how he looks now."

Kat smiled at her knowingly, "Yes, but he might. Keep that in mind if he wakes up."

"When." Sarah ground her teeth together, she wasn't giving up hope.

"When. You're absolutely right. I'm sorry."

Sarah fiddled with her fingers, a nervous tick.

"Sarah, there is a chance he won't be able to walk properly. The muscles in both of his legs were..." she swallowed as if she remembered the sight of them. "They were torn to shreds. It will take a lot of work and sheer determination to get him back on his feet."

Nodding, Sarah's eyes fell to the blanket as she let Kat finish her work in silence. What would she do if he never wakes up? She just got him back. She never should have run out of his office after he kissed her. She should have stayed and told him exactly how she felt, how she's felt for years. She should have swallowed her fear and insecurities and told him, whether he reciprocated her feelings or not. Now, she may never have the chance. There are so many things she should have done.

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