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It was noon by the time Sarah had the files for all four of the murder cases. Mark was trying his best to help her organize each file in order. He was laying them out on the table for easy viewing, but Sarah was quickly losing her patience.

"Do you usually review the information within the files?"

"Not really. Most times I'm the one taking detailed notes about scenes. That's my specialty, what most people would miss, I see."

Sarah thought back to the keys found in the photos of the first three scenes, they were never mentioned in the files. "So, you would be the one to log pretty much everything that is captured in the photographed evidence?"

"Correct," nodding, "I have a trained eye that looks for things most people wouldn't think to look for."

Wondering why he wouldn't mention a set of keys in multiple photo's, she started to ask but was interrupted by the door opening.

"Sorry it took so long," Scott entered, "Traffic sucks at this hour, everyone trying to get to lunch and back," he walked over to Sarah's side of the table and looked over the papers spread out in front of them. "Find anything else?"

Sighing, "No," without realizing it, she was gritting her teeth, "can the two of you just give me a little bit? I need time to look over these files without any distractions."

Scott looked from Sarah to Mark bemused. Glancing at Mark laying papers out on the table, he looked at Sarah knowingly. Knowing Sarah needed to do things her way to be able to dissect the information, he spoke up, "Mark, let's go grab Sarah some lunch," glancing at her with a smile, "and Red Bull."

Eyes round and a toothy smile, she beamed up at Scott, "You're the best,"

Mark watched the interaction between the two closely, noting how their smiles seem different when they're smiling at one another. Clearing his throat, he set the papers in his hands down, "Alright, would you like that Strawberry Fields salad from the other night?" he asked, making sure Scott didn't forget that he and Sarah have been staying together.

Noticing the bit of jealousy in Mark's tone, she lowered her eyes to the papers on the table, climbing to her feet and scooping them back into a pile, "Yes, that sounds nice."

"Lemon vinaigrette, just like last time?" Mark was twisting the knife deeper; he didn't overlook the side glare Scott was trying to hide.

"Yes, thank you," smiling slightly, she returned her focus back to the stack of papers she just made. Sliding them into the file folder, she put the boxes on the table against the wall, grabbed the first case file folder, and walked back to the long table in the center of the room.

Mark opened the door and stepped through already, Scott caught Sarah's elbow as they were passing one another, "Are you two..." he couldn't bring himself to finish the question.

Noticing hurt behind his blue eyes, Sarah felt her heart break a little. Trying to read him, she stared a little longer than she should have, "Does it matter?"

Scotts eyes were heavy with emotion, it baffled her.

"Scott, you coming?" Mark reentered the room noticing his hand on Sarah's elbow and how close they were standing to one another. Moving apart quickly, Scott looked at Sarah once more and nodded towards Mark. Mark glanced back at Sarah, she ignored him, forcing herself to focus on the papers in front of her.

While the two were gone Sarah was able to scan over all four of the police reports for each case. She took out her notebook and began making notes of her own, notes that connected the four cases together. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the overkill of these murders. Whoever this perp was, they were a sick individual, they enjoyed what they were doing.

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