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**Trigger Warning: Rape**

Sarah found herself running down the dark alley, heart pounding in her ears as adrenaline coursed through her veins. If he'd have stayed the course, stayed on the running trail, she'd have caught him. Now he was out of the woods, running down the street.

The footsteps she was chasing were no longer in front of her, but now behind her. If only she'd listened and not chased after the perp. Her partner warned her not to leave without him, but she couldn't chance the perp getting away, especially when she had seen him dart across the running trail. He was right there, she had to act fast.

Spinning around, she was faced with a tall man wearing a face covering, only his eyes were open. Raising her gun, she demanded he drop his weapons. Before she was able to pull her trigger, she was hit with a taser sending electric shock through her bicep forcing her to drop her gun. As the shock strengthened, her body stiffened and fell to the ground unable to move. Looking up into the perp's eyes in a daze, she noticed how cold and dark they were. Blue, emotionless eyes glaring down at her as if he was disgusted with her was the last thing she saw before her world faded to black.

Upon opening her eyes, Sarah was greeted with instant aching in the back of her head. It must have been from the impact of whatever was used to knock her out. Blinking against the harsh light invading her eyes, she looked around to see she was in a bedroom. The paint on the ceiling and walls were bubbling and flaking off. The carpet was stained and dirty, littered with the paint chippings. In her attempt to sit up, she was hit with the realization of being bound to the bed. Her arms were spread wide above her head, tied to the bed posts; her feet in the same position, legs spread out, tied to the bottom bed posts. Her clothing was removed, she lay bound to the bed in only her bra and underwear.

Sarah yanked on the restraints feeling the rope bite into her skin, it was already causing a red irritation around her wrists. The noise of the metal rattling on the bed post rang throughout the room. Footsteps came rushing down the hall, closer with each step to where she was restrained. Her eyes met the same cold blue eyes of her captor, only this time, he was wearing a skii mask with both the eyes and mouth opened.

"She's awake," he was grinning maniacally as he made his way over to her. Standing at the foot of the bed with a large knife in one hand, he reached out and began slowly running his fingers along her bare legs with his other as he walked towards her. "I hope you don't mind; I took the liberty of removing your clothing before making you comfortable. I must say, you're in much better shape than the usual joggers I find. You're not usually the type I'd go after, but you're pretty enough, and you were right there for the taking."

Glaring at the man, she failed at jerking her leg away from him as the ropes restraining her stopped her from moving too much, "Do yourself a favor and don't touch me," she seethed.

Slowly stalking closer to her, his fingers gently made their way up into her inner thigh, "Now why wouldn't I touch such a beautiful woman when she's splayed out on a bed ready for me to take her?"

Sarah swallowed her fear and fought to choke back her tears, she refused to appear weak. If only her eyes could catch up with her brain.

"You're scared, your eyes give it all away. Don't worry, love, I won't have to hurt you if you just give me what I want." He ran the tip of the knife along her stomach, igniting the fear she was forcing down.

He reached out to cup her face, she pulled her head away. Gripping her jaw roughly, he forced her to look at him, "All you women are the same. You dress up, catch a man's eye, and when he shows you any attention, you spat at him." The grip on her jaw was so strong, it would no doubt leave bruises behind.

"Ever think you're showing them the wrong kind of attention? You can't force someone to do what you want them to do." Forcing herself to meet his icy stare, she forced herself to stand her ground.

"That's where you're wrong," his hold on her jaw tightened, her teeth biting into her inner jaw. She could taste the blood from the broke skin against her teeth. Leaning over her, he forced his mouth over hers in a sloppy kiss.

Revolted by his lips, she tried forcing her mouth closed and pushed herself as far into the bed as she could. Pulling on the ropes, she turned her head from side to side trying to avoid his mouth from touching her.

Angered, he crawled on the bed, straddling her waist tracing her cleavage with his finger. Recoiling under his touch, she bucked in an attempt to throw him off of her, but failed. Grinning, he leaned over her, pressing his lips to her cleavage as he felt her up. Fighting against her restraints, twisting her body, she angered him.

Slapping her across the face with the back of his hand, he moved down her body, fingers tracing up her inner thighs as he kissed down her stomach. Kicking against the ropes, she kneed him in the face. Jumping back to his knees, he presented the knife once more, holding the blade against her cheek causing her to still her movements, "Hurt me again and I won't be the only thing penetrating you tonight." he growled.

Terror ran through her veins, a fear filled shiver shot up her spine. Swallowing thickly, she whimpered as the fear finally took complete control. Tears began spilling from the corners of her eyes as she felt his lips back on her stomach and a hand covering her sex.

"Please," she pleaded, "Please don't do this." Her voice was quiet and small, barely a whisper.

Grinning up at her, he hooked his fingers under her waist band and began pulling her underwear down as far as he could get them with her legs being bound. She cried, squeezing her eyes shut as he moved above her and began removing her bra. Just as the bra popped open there was a loud noise somewhere in the house.

The man immediately covered her mouth, pushing her head into the mattress with force, "Don't," he warned sharply.

"Clear," a voice called as footsteps moved closer. "Clear," another voice.

The footsteps were right outside of the room, the man jumped off of her and ran over to the window. Opening it, he climbed through and took off running. As soon as he was gone, Sarah cried out, "In here," fighting against the ropes, she watched as her partner, Agent Scott Mathews ran into the room. Fear and heartbreak flooded his face, "Sarah," his voice was quiet and broken.

"Scott," Her cries quickly turned into sobs as he ran over to her.

Terrified but relieved at the same time, she allowed her head to fall back against the bed knowing she was now safe.

"I need a blanket in here." Scott called over his shoulder as he began untying the ropes from her feet.


Scott spun around quickly, making sure to stand in front of Sarah. Covering her as much as he could, he pointed towards the door, "Out. Get me a blanket and keep everyone out of here until I get her covered."

His attention back on Sarah, he removed the leg restraints and began working on her right wrist, "Are you ok?" his eyes were filled with worry.

"Sir, the blanket you requested."

Sarah looked at the doorway to find an arm holding a blanket out. Scott retrieved it and quickly covered Sarah's body before removing the last rope. Sarah immediately pulled her underwear up and fixed her bra before sitting up and wrapping the blanket around her. 

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