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They both looked at each other filled with shock, Sarah and James stood in the middle of an alley holding up the body of a man whom they last heard had a failing heart, all while the dead body of a serial rapist and murder lay behind them on the ground.

Her head was spinning, she was filled with relief because her captor was finally caught, finally stopped for good, but then there's Scott. Why was he out of the hospital? How is he out of the hospital? How did he even get there?

Just as she was beginning to voice her questions a car pulled up in front of her. A young man stepped out, one that she remembered from the West Division, the division Scott ran.


"Agent Bennet, I'm so sorry. He called me and I was thrilled to know he was awake. He told me he needed me, to get to the hospital as soon as I could. So, of course, I did." He waited to make sure Sarah was following his explanation as he opened the back door for James and Sarah to slide Scott into.

Sarah grunted, tripping over Scott's foot as they tried to carefully place Scott into the car, "You got him for a minute?" she asked, James nodded. Running around to the other side of the car, she opened the door and slid into the back seat. Placing her hands under Scott's arms, she pulled him towards her, into her lap while James pushed him in, placing his legs inside before closing the door.

He leaned down and spoke to her through the open window, "Get him to the hospital, I'll wait here and deal with Bartlette being picked up. There's going to be a lot of questions and paperwork."

Sarah smiled, thanking James as Steve closed her door before he took his place in the driver's seat, looking at her in the rearview mirror, he continued, "When I got to his room, he was barely standing. He said he needed to go, I wanted to get a doctor, he refused. He is very demanding." Sarah chuckled, knowing just how demanding Scott can be. She missed it. She missed him.

"I helped him into a wheel chair and wheeled him out to my car. Weird, we were never stopped and questioned. You'd think someone wheeling a well-known Chief Director who is known to be in a coma, out of the hospital would raise questions." Steve raised his eyebrows as he glanced back at Sarah who nodded.

"So, once I got him into the car, he took over the radio, calling a detective, demanding information on the man who..." his voice trailed off as he looked at her in the mirror, his eyes were filled with sorrow and apologies.

"It's ok, I think I'm ok to talk about it openly now that he's gone."

Blowing out a sigh of relief, Steve continued, "He demanded information on that man, of course the detective wasn't wanting to give up any info, but as soon as Chief Mathews began rattling off numbers and his name, the detective gave up all information. That's how we found you. We were pulling down the street just as you were darting through a yard, he instructed me to go down a back road leading to the alley. As soon as he noticed you crouched, waiting, I stopped the car, he took my gun and stumbled his way over to you. He wanted to be by your side when you caught him, but he obviously couldn't wait. That's when I watched him aim the gun and pull the trigger without even a warning." Steve's eyes were wide as he recalled what just took place. "Oh, God, am I going to get in trouble? What he did, is that considered murder?" He turned his head towards her in panic, "Am I an accomplice to murder?"

"Watch the road, Steve." she instructed, "Just get us back to the hospital, I'll make sure you're not caught up in any of this."

A few minutes later they were pulling into the Emergency ward of the hospital. Sarah ran in to find a doctor who followed her out with a bed. She helped him get Scott out of the car and the medical team took over from there. She waved Steve off telling him to get out of there before questions were asked.

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