Mr Dunphy

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"Miss Y/n Jones!"
My heart skipped a beat as i jumped up from my chair.
"Ehm yes Mr Chamberland?"
I said tiredly.
"Were you just taking a nap during my lecture?"
"Of course not sir, I wasn't napping I was sound asleep, your lecture was boring me."
I looked to my left and a couple seats down Luke (my boyfriend) was laughing his head off.
"Take a seat Miss Jones and don't dare disrupt my lesson again."

After class me and Luke went back to his dorm to hang out.
"So Mr Dunphy what shall we do"
"I hate it when you talk all posh to me, I love your British accent stop trying to get under my skin with a posh one" Luke rolled his eyes.
"Haha stop being a cry baby, I'm so happy it's Friday!"
"Oh no..." Luke jumped up from his bed. "I'm meant to be introducing you to my parents tonight! I completely forgot."
"WHAT!" I screamed and jumped up from the bed with him.
"I need to find an outfit and have a shower, Luke I can't believe you've forgot about this I need to make a good impression!"
"I'm sorry y/n and umm to make things worse we need to be there in 25 minutes..."

I ended up having a quick shower and before I knew it me and Luke were outside his family home waiting for his Mum or Dad to open the door.

Someone finally came and answered it, it was his dad. I stood for a minute examining him, he was a stunning man, tall with dark hair and hazel eyes.
"Hiya I'm y/n Jones, you must be Mr Dunphy!"
I said trying to get the words to come out my mouth.
"Yes I am very nice to meet you! Please call me Phil. I love your British accent didn't except to hear that when you opened your mouth."
I felt my cheeks burning.
I would open my mouth for you any day, I thought giggling to myself. Mr Dunphy was unlike any man I had ever seen he had the sweetest smile and a gentle voice. He looked like such a friendly man but I could tell he had a 'rough' side too.
"Well come on in y/n."

Me and Luke walked into his family home, it was gorgeous, as soon as I stepped in it felt so homey. I took my shoes off and Luke lead me into the kitchen where his mum was standing.
"Oh my god you must be y/n it's so nice to finally meet you, Luke warned me not to come to the door when yous arrived so I didn't embarrass him."
His Mum was so excited, she had blonde hair and hazel eyes and I just knew I was going to get along with her.
"It's so lovely to meet you Mrs Dunphy" i said as she shook my hand.
"Oh please call me Claire, and Luke never mentioned you had an accent where are you from?"
"I'm from Scotland, I've lived there all my life and then after I left school I decided to move over here and go to university."
"Wow Scotland very nice. I've made a casserole hope that's alright" Claire said.
"That's perfect thank you" I replied.

We sat down at the table and got to know each other. Luke gave my hand a squeeze under the table as he knew I was nervous. And I know it's bad to say but I couldn't stop looking at his dad. I excused myself to the bathroom and shook my head a bit to snap out of it. When I left the bathroom there was Mr Dunphy walking up the stairs. I could feel my cheeks flushing red again as he came closer. He made a joke about how bad Claire's cooking is and I laughed, then he tried to get past me and we done that awkward dance people do when they both go the same direction. We laughed some more and he put his hands on my shoulders to put me one way as he walked the other. He closed the bathroom door and my heart was racing once again, I'm not even this type of girl and it was disgusting that I was even thinking these things about my boyfriends dad. It was a harmless crush...

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