Part 8

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I must have sat for about 15 minutes waiting on him until eventually he came out locking the door behind him. He sat next to me on the grass still not looking at me once.
"Phil?" I said.
"Stop. Let me do the talking." He replied.
"What the f*ck did you say to my wife?" He questioned me.
I explained what happened and the whole conversation I had with her.
"What made you think you had any right to talk to her in the first place?" He asked me.
"Maybe the fact that I'm dating her son or that I had been out with her daughter most the night. I wasn't just going to ignore her. And yes it might feel uncomfortable for you knowing we were talking about you but think about how awkward it was for me knowing I might be one of the reasons you're getting more and more distant with her." I snapped back at him.
"You're so out of order for doing that you could have just said goodnight when she first came and saw you and left straight away. Why the hell did you decide to give her relationship advice when you know fine well you're the biggest reason why I pay no attention to her anymore." He raised his voice even louder.
"F*ck you Phillip don't you ever think you can talk down to me. I owe you nothing at the end of the day. I don't get how you could go from fucking me in you and your wife's bathroom to treating me like a piece of shit 30 minutes later."
I started to push myself up from the grass as I was done with the conversation as I felt him grab my arm and pull me back down. He knelt up from the grass and opened my legs so that he was kneeling in between them. He tugged my legs to pull me closer and I put my hand on his chest.
"What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't reply and just pushed my arm out the way. He leaned forward placing his hands either side of me.
"Phil... you're wife could see us at any point."
He still didn't utter a word and brushed his lips against my ear nibbling it ever so slightly. I hate that I'm not pushing him away right now. He pushed himself off me and stood up.
"Goodnight y/n" he said and walked back into the house. Jesus what's wrong with me. I lay back on the grass and checked my phone. 3:30 it read. I better go inside and get some sleep after the night I've had.

I woke up on the couch to the sun blasting into the living room and Luke kissing my forehead.
"Morning babe" he whispered "sorry if I woke you."
"No don't be."
"Do you want a top and a pair of shorts you must be uncomfortable in your dress."
"That'd be great thank you."
Luke went and got me a change of clothes which I got changed into in the upstairs toilet.

I left the toilet and bumped into Phil. He didn't say anything but stopped and examined me.
"What?" I asked.
"Are you trying to kill me?" He said.
"Sorry?" I looked at him confused.
"Wearing my top which makes it look like you have nothing on under it." He said lifting the top up slightly to reveal the tiny shorts I had on. Why the hell did Luke give me his dads top. Phil dropped the top and walked away pausing at the top of the stairs.
"I didn't say it didn't suit you you know." He whispered walking down the stairs without turning around. I couldn't help but smirk at his comment and I followed him down to the kitchen which smelled like freshly cooked bacon which Claire was cooking. He gave her a kiss on the back of her head and sat down next to Luke. Phil looked up at me and shot me a sly smirk knowing he had got under my skin but I didn't show it had bothered me, then again I had no right to be bothered by it. "So y/n I was thinking, would you like to come on our summer vacation with us?" Claire asked.
"Wow that's so lovely for you to offer. I would love to but it's up to Luke."
"Of course I'd love if you came with us!" Luke said excitedly.
"Great. Well you can thank Phil it was his idea actually." Claire said.
I looked over at Phil and he replied faster than I could "you're welcome."
What was he thinking inviting him away on another family holiday? He knows what happened at the last one.

3 weeks passed since Claire invited me to go away with them. I had got super close with Haley and tried to befriend Alex Lukes other sister but it was hard to carry a conversation with her. Me and Phil hadn't spoke except from messages now and again but nothing out of the ordinary. Me and Luke were seeing each other every day pretty much and everything at work was going good for once. I packed my suitcase and waited outside for Cam and Mitch to pick me up since Luke was going to the airport with his Grandpa, Gloria and Manny, her son. I greeted Cam and Mitch and sat in the back with Lily (there adopted daughter). We arrived at the airport and boarded the plane, I found my seat which was at the very back on the isle. Jay came over and sat next to me at the window.
"How you doing kid?" He asked
"I'm good thanks, how're you?"
"Ah you know same old."

We landed in Hawaii after about 6 hours. It was nice getting to sit next to Jay we had a good talk and I learned a lot about him, he's a wise man. As soon as I stepped off the plane the humidity hit my face, it was such a relief being able to stretch my legs. We made our way to security and got our luggage.

We all arrived at the hotel and me and Luke collapsed on our hotel bed. "I'm going to go take a shower." I said leaning over to kiss him before making my way to the shower. I cleaned up and put on a flowery skirt and a black tube top. I put on a pair of white trainers and saw that Luke had already left. I picked up my phone and key card and opened to door to greet Phil with his hand up just about to knock.
"Hey" he said.
"Hi" I replied.
"I was just wondering if Luke had packed a charger."
"Yeah come on in." I said closing the door behind him.
"How're you y/n I know we haven't spoke much."
"I'm fine been working a lot."
"Oh, how's Gil?"
I knew he didn't really care about him but he was just making conversation.
"Yeah he's okay not been as bad as usual surprisingly."
We laughed and decided to sit and catch up, dinner wasn't booked for another hour anyway. "I've missed you y/n I didn't want to reach out incase you didn't want to hear from me. I know I spoke to you horribly that night and I am so sorry I ever made you feel like I looked down on you."
I sat for a second just staring at him, I could see he really meant every word he said. He placed his hand on my thigh.
"If you don't want anything to do with me I get it but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you for a second in the past 3 weeks. I want to get to know you, not just physically but emotionally and I'll do whatever it takes."
"Beg me." I said without second guessing it.
"What?" He said puzzled
"Beg me Phillip."
He got on his knees in front of me and cupped his hands. I couldn't help but laugh at him as did he. This man made me smile, he had it all, he was smart but had the best humour and of course his looks were a bigger bonus. He stood up and I pulled him towards me as he kissed my

We headed down to the lobby and I saw Luke talking to a girl. I couldn't see her face but me and Phil started walking to wards him.
"What the f*ck." I came to a stop. He was kissing her. In a public lobby. Was he wanting me to catch him. Phil took my hand and guided me to a bathroom locking the door behind us. I felt the tears start to stream down my face but I knew in a way I had no right to be upset over Luke cheating. I loved him but I was also cheating on him. Phil wrapped me in his arms not saying a word and I felt my heart start to slow down. "Don't end it with him."
Phil whispered still not letting me go. "What? Why wouldn't I? Were both cheating on each other the relationship isn't a relationship anymore." I managed to stutter out.
"Because then I'll loose you." Phil said cutting straight to the point.
"Okay." Is all I managed to said to him.
I knew it was stupid staying with Luke but I felt the tiniest bit less guilty about my thing with Phil.

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