Part 3

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Me and Luke made our way to our classes the next morning and then that was our uni year done. I could finally have a good summer with my boyfriend and not have to study. My sorority was throwing a party so I obviously invited Luke and offered him to invite his family.

I went to my room and Luke went to his to get ready. It was already 7:00 and the party started at 8:00. I heard a chap at my door.
"Come in!" I shouted thinking it was one of the other girls coming to borrow some make up or something. I turned around and saw Phil.
"Oh sorry I thought it was one of the girls." I explained.
"Oh no problem am I early?" He asked.
"A wee bit it starts at 8"
"Oh I'm sorry Claire told me to come round after I finished work I didn't relise I was so early."
"Don't worry about it you're more than welcome to look about the house or you can sit in here with me" I offered.
He came in my room and took a seat in my bed.
"Sorry it's so messy I was getting ready"
"If you think this is messy you should see my office" he said.
"Haha what do you work as?" I asked
"A real estate agent" he replied.
"No way that's what I'm studying"
"Oh wow I didn't know that! Do you enjoy it?" He asked
"I love it"
"Do you have an apprenticeship somewhere?"
"Yes I have one with Gil Thorpe actually"
"Oh I he's my biggest competition and such a horrible man, poor you."
I laughed and agreed.
We spoke some more while I done my make up and hair. I chose a red dress that was a bit flashy but I felt like wearing something new. When I was ready I took a seat next to Phil. I finally properly looked at him he was in a nice shirt with some dressy shoes and a belt holding his trousers in place. We had 5 minutes till we had to go downstairs but we bearly spoke just looked at each other. I finally broke the silence and said
"You look amazing Mr Dunphy"
"Please it's Phil and as do you"
I blushed a bit but I don't think he could tell because of all my make up. I touched his arm and told him we should probably go downstairs as the music had started blasting. He opened my room door for me and when we got to the top of the stairs offered me his arm to help me down as I was in high heels. God he's such a gentleman!

Some girl was screaming the lyrics to 'FOUND LOVE by NOTION'. It was only the girls that lived here and Phil that had arrived yet. I went over and got Phil a drink and he made a joke about me trying to get him drunk before anyone had arrived yet. We giggled and I introduced him to all the other girls.
"Y/N" my best friend Becca gave me a hug.
"Damn who's the dilf" she asked.
I shot her a look after she said that but to be honest she wasn't lying.
"This is Phil Dunphy Lukes dad"
"Nice to meet you" he said in a gentle tone.
"Damn y/n why you with Luke instead of this stunning man"
"Becca behave.  But he is very stunning isn't he" I laughed and Phil laughed as well.

Everyone arrived and the party started Luke came over and said I looked gorgeous he was in a nice shirt and everyone else in his family looked amazing as well all dressed up. The tunes were blasting and we all finally let loose. I danced with Gloria for a while and I got a little too drunk, as did everyone else. I went outside for some fresh air and a cigarette and after 10 minutes out came Phil.
"Oh sorry I can come back just needed some fresh air" he then came to a holt.
"I didn't know you smoked y/n"
Shit shit shit
"I don't usually but I like one once in a while sorry you caught me haha" I tried laughing it off. He sat down beside me and I put my cigarette out. We were both wasted and then he finally said something.
"So you think I'm stunning then" he laughed
"Course have you seen yourself" I smirked at him.
He gave me a nudge and I almost tipped over because I was so dizzy. It was quite cold and he could see I was shivering a bit so put his jacket over my shoulders.
"You're some man Mr Dunphy Claire's lucky to have you" I said
"Don't believe everything you see y/n she hates me most days and we bearly see each other" he explained.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" I said as I saw his face dropped.
"You're a good girl I'm happy for my boy" he said to me. I looked over to him and his head was facing the ground.
God why did I hate seeing him sad I should be partying but instead I'm sitting with a man talking about his failed marriage.
I stood up and offered him my hand, he took it and we danced outside to the music.

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