2| Where It All Began

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Just to say some things here. One of the characters, Tsukushi, is replaced by Akira, so Tsukushi will not appear in this book.

Also, this story is also a bit inspired by MinusDark's own Akame ga Kill series. I highly recommend reading them. Anyway, onto the chapter.


Eight Years Ago: Empire - Gifnora Forest

In a rotten Empire, an unforgivable, sinister plan was put into motion...

Two men were overseeing a forest. Behind them were some tents.

Bill: "Now then, I wonder which of the children will reach here first. I thought that your plan was to buy up a group of a hundred children from across the Empire to groom them into assassins...no matter how you look at it, you've placed more than a hundred in the forest."

Gozuki: "It's fine. This is exactly how the plan is meant to start. This weed-out process will definitely kill a few dozen children."

Bill: "I see...so weak candidates will just eliminate themselves on their own. So, Gozuki, how many can you train?"

Gozuki: "Hmm, I guess seven would be the limit for me as I am now."

Bill: "Very well. After ranking them, we'll give the top seven elite candidates to you. We will take the rest."

In the forest, a young boy with black hair and icy blue eyes was currently running through the forest. While most children would have looks of fear, he had a cheerful grin on his face. The boy clutched a makeshift knife, which was actually a sharpened stick, his other hand clutching a raven's skull that hung from his neck.

He laughed as he ran up a tree and kicked himself off of it, landing on top of a monster's head as he jams the makeshift knife into it's head. The beast roars in pain temporarily before it falls to the ground, dead.

Akira: "Aww, it's broken."

???: "Bi...big sis..."

The young boy, who's name is Akira, turned his head to his left. Down the ridge he was on, he spotted two girls. One of them was about his age and the other was about two years younger. The girl his age was currently helping the younger girl, carrying her on her back. Akira put the two together and made the connection that they were siblings.

???: "I can't run anymore..."

Akame: "We're almost there! You can do it, Kurome!"

The young girl's face, Kurome, then had a look of fear. Akame faces to where her sister was looking and her own red eyes widen in horror. Many children her age were dead in front of her, stuck in the mouths of the plant monsters before them.

Akame: "We can't go this way! Come on, we have to go around!"

Kurome: "Th-They're being eaten..."

Akame: "It's alright. Your big sis is with you."

Kurome: "...Okay."

As the two girls go to move, a wolf came jumping from the shadows. It lunged down onto Kurome, biting into her shoulder. Kurome yelps in pain, Akame looking at her sister worried.

She goes to slash at the wolf to kill it, but she looked upwards. A crazed face could be seen as Akira had jumped into the air.

Akira: "Geronimo!"

The icy blue-eyed boy lands on the wolf's back, now wrestling with it. As the wolf thrashes around, letting Kurome go, the young boy laughs as he repeatedly stabs his makeshift knife into the wolf's neck. Blood splatters his face as the grin he wore grew even wider.

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